Greetings Fellow Servants;
We thank God for the many blessings He bestows upon us. One of the greatest blessings is our Christian fellowship. God continues to do mighty works through your prayers and support here in East Africa. Thank you and please know, we love you and we thank God for each of you for your part in “fighting the devil,” as our good brother Kambarage often says.
We had a busy week, preparing and continuing our Safari for Souls campaigns. Thus far, our God has blessed our efforts with the addition of 19 souls. Our good friends and co-workers from the Hoover, AL congregation arrived (12 in number), led this year by our good brother Chuck Webster. They (we) will be working at the newly planted Njiro Chini congregation here in Arusha. The pre campaign efforts produced several new converts and dozens of personal Bible studies.
Our good friends from Elk City, OK will leave the States today, arriving in Tanzania tomorrow night. Brother Danny and his wife, Cathy, (leading the group this year - both are dentists) will be offering their services for several days taking care of the dental needs of the good people of TZ. What an amazing way to use your gifts to glorify our God and serve our fellow man. The group will join our Tanzanian brethren working at the Manyire congregation where our brother Jackson ministers.
This year we will have a first. The Arusha city church will host a SFS campaign at the end of July. This will be supported by good brothers and sisters throughout Tanzania. It thrills the soul to see the church in this area grow and see the need to reach out to the lost of their community with the saving message of the gospel. Please pray for all outreach efforts here in the Arusha area, that our God will be genuinely glorified, souls will be saved, and the lives of all who give of themselves, from supporters to participants, are built up in the most Holy Faith.
Gasper Julius writes: “Good afternoon. We thank God for two souls have been added to the Kingdom today.”
Yusuph Mdaki writes: “We are doing well, one soul has been added at Mganza.”
The year was 1998, we began working here in the Northern part of Tanzania, in the city of Arusha. At that time there was one congregation of the Lord’s people meeting, about 30 souls. Fast forward to 2015, in the city of Arusha there are now eight congregations with an average attendance of 439 souls meeting to worship the one and only living God of Heaven. Between the eight congregations there are currently 143 active home Bible studies ongoing. Through this evangelistic attitude and activity, God has blessed His Church with 59 new souls this year alone.
When the church has Her priorities in order, God gives the increase overtime. Let each of us pray for the church around the world that we might all be “soul conscience.” Our family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors need God, His word, and our genuine love. Is it really possible to say, “I love God,” and not “love our neighbor?” For, “Greater love has no man than this, that a man should lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13) Amen!
Your prayers are solicited and we invite each of your to continue, hand in hand, with us as we strive to do God’s will each and every day. Until all have heard…
In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny