Twelve Baptisms And Fifty Prospects For Study In Ghana...

Dear Brethren,

Again the good Lord has granted us another successful month of operation. Our program for the month required that we use three weeks for classroom work and one week for the campaign for Christ. 

The initial two weeks was used for classroom work and it went successfully. Again, both instructors and students were punctual to class. The third week was used for the Campaign for Christ at Effiakuma.  

Many past students who had heard of the program had expressed interests to join in it. About twelve (12) of them had joined in the program at one point or the other while six (6) carried on with us throughout. Also, some members of the congregation at Effiakuma joined in it.

The program schedule was to preach in the street at night and go from house to house during the day. The entire one week followed the same. By God’s grace (10) ten souls were added to the church, while (2) two visitors among a total number of thirteen (13) who visited to witness our worship on the following Sunday were baptized. This gave a total of twelve (12) baptisms in this program.

A record of over fifty (50) prospects who had expressed willingness for further studies were handed over to the congregation at Effiakuma. Reports have it that they continue visiting and studying with them and as a result (2) two souls were also baptized last Sunday.

1. As indicated in our last report, we still await Brother Todd Clippard and his team to begin the agricultural project next week, God’s willing.

2. The next school graduation is also scheduled for April 18. Twenty (20) men who had gone through the course successfully will be graduating on that day. Looking at the number of students, we have budgeted that an amount of GHC 1,700.00 be provided us to take care of the program. Our expenditure during the day usually includes: renting of canopies, chairs, transportation, water, meals, etc.

3. Brother Daniel Ampadu Asiamah: We are glad to report to you that brother Daniel and his family are back to Takoradi to continue with his medication. We thank God for how far He has sustained our brother. Your prayers are still needed to enable him go through this difficult condition. 

Thanks and God bless you all.
Charles Mensah

Posted on March 15, 2015 .