Dedication, Ingenuity, And Fellowship All To The Glory Of God...

Several areas stand out each week in reporting about the work of the extension program. The first involves the dedication of students who continually share the gospel of Jesus with others. Their efforts are bringing more souls to Christ every week. While reading through this week’s report, please notice the impact this first area is making on the development of the kingdom of our God around the world.

Second, the ingenuity of staff members from each location is amazing to witness. The various ideas presented in how they can further grow the church of our Lord is also making a major difference. The idea of “school” expands in the thinking of these leaders as they work with local congregations for their own school designed to strengthen the knowledge of God’s word among local members and then use as a tool to reach out to nonChristians. The results speak for themselves, as found in the reports below.

Third, the fellowship of working together with others in this training process is exciting. Each week we learn more about ways to strengthen our relationship with each other and our fellowship in working together with God. Here, and only here, do we know that our efforts are blessed. As the program grows more globally, we rely on this fellowship to insure the success of the work in each location. 

Fourth, God’s glory is magnified through the students as they prepare themselves for kingdom work and proclaim the message of His indescribable gift. The purpose of Bear Valley’s existence and the joint effort with others around the world is united in this one area: to glorify our God. Please pray with us and for us in pursuing this task.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

The latest report from Jerry Bates can be read here.

Extension Reports 

The Gospel Is For All: Students in Cameroon are spending the next week on campaign in 22 different villages sharing the gospel with everyone. Pray their efforts are fruitful.

Son Assists In The Spiritual Birth Of His Mother In Cambodia: A parent baptizing their son or daughter is exciting, but witnessing a son baptize his mother is wonderful. Read more. 

Local Minister Injured In Gorlovka, Ukraine: Even though a cease-fire order exists, the fighting continues in Eastern Ukraine and one local minister experienced the impact.

Counting The Souls Added To The Kingdom In Kenya: This report from current students and graduates in Kenya will have you encouraged counting the those who obeyed the gospel.

The Practical Use Of Evangelism And Preaching For Students In Nigeria: The students at SWSE continue to gain practical ministry experience that proves beneficial and fruitful.

More Than 20 Obey the Gospel In Uganda: Recent events, activities, and projects flowing from the Uganda School of Evangelism are pointing to church growth as several are baptized. 

Praying For Sean And Anita Hochdorf: Many challenges face missionaries leaving the field, but needing surgery complicates it further. Pray for Sean and Anita and consider their need.

Kisongo Congregation Working Through A Bible School: From the influence of ACSOP, the local congregation in Arusha provides biblical training for others and the church is growing.

Co-Workers In Tanzania Glorify God To The Saving Of The Lost: Co-working with the brethren in Tanzania is bring souls to the Lord and glorifying God. Exciting news.

Final Thoughts 
We owe each of you a debt of gratitude for all you contribute to the program. This week, like all others, advances because of your efforts to help see the program succeed. God has blessed us through you and we pray He continues to bless your lives as you serve Him.

God bless

Posted on March 8, 2015 .