The Work Continues To Be Fruitful In Nigeria...

Beloved in Christ,

Grace and peace be multiplied unto you all from God our Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ.

The staff and students of the Southwest School of Evangelism (SWSE), Ibadan main campus, evangelized Ogunbunmi and Ogunwon villages on Saturday of February 14, 2015 between 9:00 am and  2:00 pm.

On Sunday, February 15, I concluded my teaching on “Millennialism” while brother Lawrence Dada, one of our 2009 graduates spoke on “The True Worship” during our monthly open air meeting, while I served as his interpreter.

At the Egbeda congregation, brother Kayode Solomon Eniafe taught from the book of Samuel Chapter 2, while brother Akinade Oluwaseun spoke on “Character Building” at the campus church, and brother Abraham Idu Yeje, our campus minister admonished the campus brethren from the book of Revelation chapter 2:1-11.

On Sunday evening, brother Matthew Adeyemi phoned me to inform me of the conversion of a young lady at Igbesa congregation, Ogun state.

Brethren, I will travel on the weekend to pay a visit to brother Samuel Akinsola Ishola, one of the SWSE foundational members, and on Sunday, Lord's willing, I will worship with the Iju-Ota congregation, where I hope to teach on “Crisis Management.”

We posted three packages of our Newsletter and returned lessons from WBS students today to WBSTC, brother Doug Wheeler, and WBS of Texas, USA.

Every disappointment is a blessing! Since the electorate body of Nigeria postponed the elections of February to March and April 2015, we decided to use all the available Saturdays for our weekend evangelism and campaign for Christ.

We used Saturday, February 21 to evangelize Kupalo village before I traveled to Lagos in the evening to visit one of SWSE foundation members, brother Samuel Ishola, that has been on the sick bed since the beginning of this year. Thanks be unto the Lord for healing him.

On Saturday morning, one of the three WBS students of our beloved late brother Robert George, who are now studying with the SWSE Ibadan main campus, named Victor Y. Smarsher was baptized.

This Lord's day, February 22, 2015 I taught on “Crisis Management” at the Iju-Ota congregation in Ogun state where one of our 2013 graduates named brother Adekunle Emmanuel Olanrewaju is ministering and I also admonished them on “Standing the Test of Time” from Matthew 14:22-32 & Matthew 7:24f. We were 61 in attendance with total collection of N16,010=.

Today at the Igbesa congregation in Ogun state, one of brother Matthew Adeyemi’s prospects named sister Mary Raji was baptized immediately after this morning worship.

We received on Saturday evening a big carton of Truth For Today Mission School books on Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther, and Preaching On The Gospel Of Luke 1 & 2 for our instructors' training. 

Brethren, all our year 2 students were actively involved in teaching and admonishing the church where they are ministering as evangelists or Bible teachers.

Works continue tomorrow morning at SWSE Ibadan main campus! Beloved, we appreciate you all for your kind-gesture, which you expressed through your partnership with SWSE, Ibadan and our satellite campus in Lagos! May the Lord of blessing continue to bless all your undertaking in Jesus Christ name, Amen.

Yours in His service,

Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi 
(Director of Studies)
Southwest School of Evangelism (SWSE ), Ibadan & Lagos Campus, Nigeria, West Africa

Posted on February 22, 2015 .