Workshop Helps Develop Strong Leadership For The Church In Ghana...

I present warm greetings from Tamale, Ghana. 

Going through the Harmattan season, with daily temperatures ranging between 30 degrees and 35 degrees Celsius, we are joyfully going through the studies as per the curriculum.

For this quarter, which by the grace of God ends on Friday, we are studying the follow:

Topic                                          Instructor

Christian Morals        Baah Joseph Okyere

I & 2 Timothy                     Daniel Agyei- Mensah

Old Testament 8                    Ndakar Jaminja

Christian Evidences               Steven Ashcraft

Gospel of John                       Baah Joseph Okyere

Campaign                               Jacob Agyei  Yeboah

Staff and students of Tamale wish to express our sincere thanks to our sponsors. By your support, Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies is to graduate the third batch of students, hopefully in the month of July, 2015.

These men, after graduation, will help some of the congregations which currently have no preachers. We appreciate all that God, through you, has established here for the general growth of the church.

I wish to introduce two of the students in our graduating class. The first is brother Samson Akum. He hails from Garinkuka, a village near Cheriponi in the Northern Region where he lives. Currently,  he is unmarried. He intends to assist in the establishment of congregations in the Cheriponi district. 

Francis Waja is a student that hails from Bakpaba, which is about seventeen miles from Yendi, the district capital. He is married with three children: Steven, Martha, and Comfort. He plans to help in building strong churches in his district.

By the grace of the Almighty, there will be a workshop in the month of March to prepare all preachers in the northern sector of the country to go through a short course that will enable them to further train church leaders as to how to lead a congregation. In this exercise, it is hoped that those trained at the Tamale Institute of Biblical studies will be required to play key roles.  

This workshop is to help develop strong leadership for existing and new congregations yet to be established. In actual fact, we want as many churches as could be established to have their own trained leadership.

The fear that without a preacher no congregation can be sustained is the notion the Institute wants to put away from the minds of Christians here in the northern sector of Ghana. This notion has discouraged many who planned to help evangelize certain towns where there are no Christians living. This time, the Institute plans to involve existing congregations to train in the local languages those who will lead in the church.

It is our hope that this plan will be successful, in that we are able to go everywhere in the northern sector regardless of the existence of a Christian. 

Baah Joseph Okyere

Posted on February 22, 2015 .