"The Spirit of Evangelism is Growing in Cameroon"

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from Cameroon. It was a great weekend here for us in CBIW as it was the first time for some staff and students of CBIW to go out to a specific location for evangelism since the coming of the Gamma batch. Last week went well as our lecturers finalized teaching the long courses to the students. This marks the first two months of intensive studies of the word of God. Tomorrow is examination week. It will be the first exams for the students. Please keep them in your prayers.

This weekend, a majority of our students were in Muea congregation for a Bible lectureship sponsored by that congregation. It was organized by one of our graduate evangelists, Itoe David. He is the minister of the Muea congregation. It was great for us to be part of the work there and to be living witnesses of the power of God.


You can see our students in Muea getting ready for evangelism. They had just arrived a few minutes before. The spirit of evangelism is growing in all those who cross paths with us. These new students have already been initiated with the spirit to go wherever the gospel calls them to go. As we think souls, we go for souls! Our goal is to rob from the strong man’s house so that God can translate those souls from the power of darkness into the kingdom of His dear Son.  



We started moving house to house scattering the seeds of the gospel in Muea village. Muea is a small town with a saturation of denominations, each with different names to attract various people who would be drawn by their different messages. The theme was renewing your confidence in Christ. The congregation of Muea is young but in the two months that our young evangelist Itoe David has been preaching there, they have witnessed  a great change, not only in number, but also in the reasoning faculties of the members towards the scriptures. Keep them in your prayers.


The bread of life was distributed by our students from one house to another free of charge. The community gained knowledge of God’s word by our studies with them and by through one on one Bible study, the use of Bible tracts in our studies with them,  and our leaving with them Bible tracts for them to study on their own. It was great! They could read a wide range of topics from our tracts from Mission Printing. God blessed the weekend evangelism with 5 precious souls that were added in His vineyard. Keep them in your prayers to grow as they receive the milk that will help them grow.


This weekend was also a weekend where the Muea congregation officially organized a welcome ceremony to their new evangelist Itoe David. When I see things like this I am almost crying and I lift up my hands to appreciate God for bringing CBIW to Cameroon. Since 2011, the country of Cameroon has been witnessing a transformation and many great changes, as CBIW is putting preachers in pulpits without preachers and is establishing congregations in communities where the Lord’s church has never been. What a God we serve! Evangelist David is still single and will be in need of a wife to help him do the work well. He solicits your prayers and asks for help to his ministry if God will open the door for you to assist.

An Appeal
Please, I am making an appeal for transport funds for both the current students and all our graduates to storm Lebialem with evangelism. This is a region in Cameroon where the church of Christ is not yet established. Please, we have decided that we need to go there to sow seeds which may bear fruit for the establishment of a new congregation in the administrative area of Menji. One of our students, John Nkemnkeng, is already there working with two congregations we established in the hinterlands. Please come to our aid and help us go there. The number going will be 17 Alpha plus 21 Beta plus 22 Gamma plus 5 staffs plus some preachers. We will need to pay taxi fare for two 30 seat buses. Some who are Christians from that area, who came to my office to make this appeal, said they are ready to feed us for the number of days that we will be there, but they will not be able to transport us. The total amount of about 800.000 frs ($1600) can accomplish this for Christ. The program is scheduled for March 25-29 which is immediately our first mission work with students.

1) Tomorrow we are starting exams in CBIW. Keep the students in your prayers.

2) Lebialem for Christ in coming up in March. Keep praying for that campaign. 


God bless you! We sincerely thank you for all your help towards the work here. God will reward you if you faint not. Great all around you and do your best to share this  report with others.

Elangwe and family

By His grace Director CBIW



Posted on February 22, 2015 .