Influencing Eternity One Soul At A Time...

The week ahead brings most of the extension staff to Denver for an annual “spring” meeting. We will discuss numerous areas concerning each school in the program and plans for the future development of the work. Examining ways to improve preacher training around the world is the core purpose of this week’s meeting. Our desire is to provide a program of excellence, and we plan to develop the Bear Valley program into the premier preacher training program in the brotherhood.  Please pray for us as we discuss the growth and development of the work.

Reports this week represent the development of the work. From Haiti to Nepal to several countries in Africa, all the reports share news about God’s increase around the world. The news of souls added to the kingdom is exciting and it indicates why this work is so important. Considering the influence on eternity, we find the power of the gospel that God intended for the salvation of those who obey Him.

Students in Denver also continue their preparation for preaching the gospel. In a few weeks, they will complete this quarter of studies and participate in a campaign. A number of campaigns are scheduled that will take these men all across the country. We pray their efforts in sharing the gospel in each location will be fruitful.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

The latest report from Larry Waymire about the work in Haiti can be read here.

The latest report from Luis Camacho about the recent graduation in Paraguay can be read here.

Extension Reports 

Youth Day, New Church Plant, Souls Added To The Kingdom: Students in Cameroon work to reach out to young people on youth day, plant a new congregation, and witness souls added.

India Tea Plantations And East Nepal Campaign: The work of the Nepal Center for Biblical Studies extends to numerous places. Three people share a perspective of their recent trip.

Scheduled Activities In Takoradi, Ghana Prepare Students For Work: A number of events, including graduation, are scheduled to help students grow in their work for the Lord.

Third Quarter Of Classes In Nigeria Back In Session: Students return and begin courses that prepare them for the third quarter of their journey at the Southwest School of Evangelism.

Togo Chariot Yields Fruit, 46 Obey The Gospel: The news is exciting out of Togo, as staff and students reach out with the gospel. God gives the increase as this report from CBS shares.

Evangelist In Need Of Prayers And Medical Assistance: A young man, with an amazing track record, is in need of our help. Please read this report to learn more of the details.

On The Road Telling The Story Of God’s Great Love: Cy Stafford is on the road sharing the story of God’s amazing love and work through the people of Tanzania.

New Year, New Job At ACSOP, Tanzania: After returning from furlough, Daniel Gaines shares news this week of a new position he is taking at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching.

Final Thoughts 
With the passing of each week we are reminded of your involvement in making this work possible. We thank you for your love for the Lord, His church, and the lost. We know the value of your assistance and we appreciate your willingness to participate in the defense of the gospel through training preachers. 

God bless

Posted on February 15, 2015 .