Upcoming Bear Valley Lectureship...

As each week goes by, it is amazing how quickly the end of the year is approaching. At the same time, each week continues to be fascinating with the reports of God’s hand at work in and through His people around the world. Looking at the reports from Central and South America, then to Africa, Ukraine, and India, all this work is constantly moving every day as God is showing Himself true and faithful. He is not bound by place or time, and nothing brings this out more than through the extension work.

The depth of God’s incredible nature and power moves in harmony with His will as demonstrated by the heart and dedication of those who are serving on a global basis. As you read through each report this week, consider how God has blessed His people and remember you are a part of this work through all you do to encourage, pray for, and support it.

This week’s report also serves as a reminder about the upcoming lectureship in Denver. Beginning Thursday night, September 19, and continuing through Sunday night, September 22, the Bear Valley Bible Institute, in conjunction with the Bear Valley Church of Christ, will host their annual lectureship. The theme of this years lectureship is “Majoring in the Minors,” with a focus on the first six books of the minor prophets. We are all hoping you will plan to be with us for this year’s event.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/

Extension Reports 

Short Course Completed, Let the Campaign Begin: An elder from the overseeing congregation, Randy Martin, completed teaching 1 Corinthians. Students will now go on camapaign.

Summer Teams Visit Guatemala: Several groups visited Guatemala in July and the results of their efforts are encouraging and exciting to read.

Projects, Seminars, Mission Trip, And A Baptism: These four categories emphasize how busy the work is in Paraguay and the resulting growth.

The Work In Nigeria: Between specific series of lessons and evangelism efforts, the work in Nigeria continues to be blessed.

Safari For Souls Yields 86 Souls: The four campaigns held this summer have seen God’s hand in giving the increase in Tanzania. Praise the Lord! 

Final Thoughts
There is not one person involved in the entire program who has not expressed their gratitude for the opportunity God has given to be a part of this work, and to you for helping make it all possible. Being fellow workers with God and each other is what makes this an exciting time to be involved in fulfilling the Great Commission through training preachers and preparing leadership for the future. Thank you!

God bless

Posted on September 8, 2013 .