25 Locations Have Campaigns In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

We bring are Lord’s day greetings to you, your family and the entire congregation. We wish you a pleasant day today as you all join together to worship our King. We had a wonderful and spirit filled worship today.

The week went on well as we were saying safe trip to all students of the CBIW who were going to 25 different locations in Cameroon, both French and English speaking. As I write this mail all of them made it to their destinations safe without any problem, and God is already using them to accomplish His work in those locations.

Some students of CBIW carried Dickson Teachers Bibles which they will use to meet with denominational preachers in the areas of campaign to help expose the truth to them which is the main aim of the project, as disclosed to us by the author, brother Roger Dickson. Keep them in your prayers. Some staff and I are doing the same in many areas.

CBIW students, the director of CBIW, and elder Randy who came to teach a short course on the book of 1 Corinthians held hands in prayer signifying our oneness in Christ and for us all to join together to work for the Lord. He left Cameroon and made it back to the USA safe and sound.

We heard great lessons today at our worship in Wotutu about trusting only in God and the sermon was on forgiveness. What a great worship today with a total of 117 souls paying their loyalty to their Creator.

The work here is in progress and God is blessing those young congregations. Those congregations revived will benefit now from our students who will be there for longer than the weekend to help nurture and do house to house evangelism.

God bless you, your family and the congregation in which you belong to for all the sacrifice and privilege they have accepted to serve the Lord and help us train men to preach the saving message. God bless you and watch over you. Do your best to share this report with others.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director CBIW

Posted on September 15, 2013 .