Majoring In The Minor Prophets...

“Majoring in the Minor Prophets” was the theme of this year’s lectureship at the Bear Valley church of Christ / Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver. There is not enough space in this report to share the details of how wonderfully and powerfully each lesson was presented. The attendance continues to grow each year as the lectureship focuses on remaining true to our God and His word.

If you would like to listen to any of the lectures, you can view the list of topics and see the audio links to the lessons by clicking here. If you were unable to attend the lectureship this year, you can still hear the lessons from these speakers by going to the website link above and clicking on the link that says AUDIO HERE next to the speakers name.

At this year’s lectureship banquet, information was provided for the future as we look to continue growing in our efforts to train men to preach the gospel. Next year will be the start of the 50th year for the Bear Valley Bible Institute in training preachers. We urge each of you to be praying about this special event and plan to be with us. The goal is to have 500 in attendance for the banquet, and we hope to have even more to share in the special lectures planned.

Next year we will focus on “Part 2” of this series on “Majoring in the Minor Prophets.” The lessons will deal with Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. I hope you will plan to join us for this special year at the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver.

This week’s report features the great news of God’s hand working through the schools around the world where we are so privileged to share in this task of training preachers. 

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/

The latest report from Howell Ferguson is found here.

Extension Reports 

Campaigns End For Students: Students finished their campaigns in Cameroon and vacation begins for them. Next week’s report will share the results.

Second Graduation: In Nepal, this weekend brought the second graduation for students. We will have more on this in the weeks ahead.

New Students Baptized: Among the 19 students who are attending the extension school in Togo, two were recently baptized.

Two Pastors Converted In Nigeria: A series of lessons continues to strengthen the church and recently became instrumental in reaching two denominational pastors.

Demonstration Of A Childlike Faith: Please take time to read this report from Arusha. The power of the gospel in converting souls is amazing.

Returning Home: Jimmy Gee’s family has returned to Tanzania from their furlough and involved in the work again. 

Final Thoughts
A special thank you to everyone who has been instrumental in the lectureship this year; the speakers, the ones involved in leading in worship, serving at the banquet, and all the behind the scenes activities to make this successful. Also, we want to continue to express our gratitude to each of you for your sacrificial and generous support of the work at Bear Valley. We give God all the glory and we appreciate your willingness to be a tool in His hands to bless this effort. Thank you.

God bless

Posted on September 22, 2013 .