Demonstration Of A Childlike Faith...

Greetings Fellow Servants, 

What a joy it is knowing we fellowship in the Gospel and that our God is doing mighty works through His faithful. We thank you, for all you do, for all you are and for what is yet to be accomplished in your life. We are indeed a blessed people and a blessed family.

Then turning toward the woman he said to Simon, ‘Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave me no water for my feet, but she has wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You gave me no kiss, but from the time I came in she has not ceased to kiss my feet. You did not anoint my head with oil, but she has anointed my feet with ointment. Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven---for she loved much....” (Luke 7:44-47a--ESV).

I sat on our front porch face to face with a man of God I have come to love and admire much this past week. He was showing me several photos, with tears in his eyes, of his elderly father being baptized in the river for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38). He went on to explain that he had traveled two days to respond to his fathers request to obey the Truth of God’s Word. Yusuph took with him a portable baptistry. For you see his father is confined to a bed due to a stroke he suffered many years ago. When I asked him why they did not use the portable baptistry he went on to explain that his father insisted they go to the river for this is what they did in the Bible. Oh how sweet it is to hear the words of a “childlike faith” demonstrated in ones obedience to the plan and simple truth of the Bible. 

Yusuph’s brother and his family are full-time care takers for their father. The Lord’s Church is now planted in Korogwe, Tanzania. Amen, God is truly good all the time! The true Light of the Gospel continues to have it’s desired affect in East Africa, in spite of all the Darkness that still permeates the lives of the more then 100 Million souls here in East Africa. 

We are thankful for our brother Neil Richey, his son and two others. Neil has come to teach a short course in the ACSOP. His son and our two other brothers are here to teach the Gospel. We thank them, those who made it possible for their coming, and our Tanzanian brothers and sisters who will be working side-by-side with these men in the coming days that others might come to know Our God and that they obey His Word. 

We close with two requests: first, please remember Stephanie’s mother in your prayers. She is having some health issues that concern her and us as well. We almost went to Nairobi this week for a check up, but thankfully we decided against it. In your prayers remember those who are suffering at the hands of the “terrorists” of this world, souls are being lost at their hands as well as their own souls.

Secondly, we have been in the “dark” for a couple of weeks. Tanzania is experiencing more power outages and our generator is not working. We were able to find the part in the States and have ordered it. We paid $600 for this and could sure use some help. We thank everyone who plays a part in this Work of God here in Tanzania. God is doing His part and as long as we do ours, many more will be saved. 

In Him, 
Cy, Stephanie and Granny

Posted on September 22, 2013 .