Campaigns End For Students...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from Cameroon. I do hope you are all doing okay in the family there. We are trying our best here. Many are still down in health, even my sons. Keep them in your prayers.

CBIW students ended their campaign today and in transit to their different homes for vacation and they will come back to school this Saturday for the last quarter of their first year of studies in CBIW. God is doing great things in the life of many this way and we continue to rejoice in the Lord.

This week I was busy visiting our students in their areas of service. It was also time to meet our graduates who are also busy in their different congregations making an impact in the work here in Cameroon.

I went to a train station ready to travel to areas that our students are serving. It was a hectic week and we meet many people sharing the good news to them, making them to turn their eyes to the Savior who readily awaits them to come for their salvation.

On the 17 of October we shall make a trip with all the students to Mbanga congregation for four days effective evangelism to help the young congregation there.

God bless you as we appreciate God for you standing by us to make known the gospel to many and also to train men to preach the gospel.

Do your best to share this report with others as we shall share with you next week concerning just ended campaign. God bless you.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director CBIW

Posted on September 22, 2013 .