Privileged To Participate In Extension Training...

This is the final week of preparation for the new class beginning in Denver. The last few students will be arriving this week as orientation will be held on Friday. Watching the faces of incoming freshman as they wonder in anticipation to what the following week will bring is exciting. Somehow, no matter what is said, there is just no way to adequately prepare for the intensity of the course work they will be involved with over the next two years.

The Extension news is also exciting as students continue their studies in preparation for work in the kingdom on a global level. One report this week shares how some students are only two months away from graduation. Another report speaks of the work graduates are involved with in their country. Others report about the way God has given the increase to their efforts while they are in school and reaching out through evangelistic efforts to bring souls to Christ.

When it is all said and done, the work of Bear Valley in Denver, and the brethren we are privileged to participate with in Extension Training, is an awesome program. We are so blessed to serve a great God, and we are thankful for the opportunity to work side by side with the greatest people on earth.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/

Extension Reports 

Rainy Season Challenges Evangelism: The rainy season in Cameroon brought flooding and raised challenges for students evangelizing villages near CBIW. 

Prospective Students In Togo: With graduation a few weeks away, the new class of students is shaping up very well at the Center for Biblical Studies in Togo.

New Students Begin Classes At VVBC: The same is true in India as classes register and prepare to begin classes at the Visakha Valley Bible College.

Evangelizing Nigeria Through Preacher Training: The students at the Southwest School of Evangelism are sharing the gospel around Ibadan, Nigeria.

The Heart Of The People In Tanzania: This is a touching and powerful story that shares the network of God’s people reaching out with the gospel. 

Final Thoughts
A final word to thank you for the blessing you are to the Lord’s kingdom. Everyone who reads this report is involved in some level within the Extension Program. Whatever you contribute to the work through your abilities, financial means, prayers, encouragement, or all the above, please know you are appreciated. We pray for you each day and we trust God will continue to bless you for all you do in His kingdom.

God bless

Posted on July 28, 2013 .