Dear Brethren,
Greetings in Christ name. Through our joint efforts we are fulfilling the great commission that is commanded to us by our Savior, Jesus Christ, as the population of India keeps increasing.
New Batch of Students: We have received many applications this time, as we expected. In our previous report we mentioned about promoting the Bible College during the gospel meetings in the month of May. It has worked out really well, also the preachers in many other places are observing our graduates and approaching the school recommending it for several young folks. We have received over 37 applications and several phone calls were received. But the amount of funds available is only letting us entertain 14 students. However, by stretching the penny we have extended the opportunity to 16 students.
Registration: In order for certain students to apply for admission they have to duly fill in an application with a picture pasted on it. Also they have a face to face interview after writing an Entrance Exam. This is not a very difficult exam, it is very formal but gives us an understanding of the student's exposure to the Bible and the Truth. Once it is over and selected, he would receive the code of conduct information and books for taking the running notes for each subject.
Our Graduates in the Mission Field: It is beyond our joy of expression to see our graduates who completed their two year preacher Training program working in the real time mission field, and their efforts are very fruitful. Usually, we expect these students to invite us to encourage their congregations by teaching and showing our concern towards them. We have been conducting several programs at their places like, Gospel meetings, Bible Classes and door knocking campaign. Some of the students are taking advantage of every opportunity to invite the teachers of the school and preachers in the local villages so that they would teach their local congregations.
Brother Appalanaidu, who is a graduate of class of 2013, invited us to spend the whole day teaching about God's plan of salvation to his villagers. It worked out wonderfully when two people came forward to accept the Lord. There is a small story behind this as well, that is during the public gospel meetings in the month of May, a video camera man who was hired to record the meetings has heard all the messages and contacted the Director of the school 'M. Samuel Raju' and requested him to visit their villages. Fortunately our recent graduate is visiting this village, since he is one of our students, so both things worked out very well. This has given us an opportunity to visit them and teach them for the whole day about God's plan of salvation, Three Dispensations, and The Church.
Library: When the resource of books is in hundreds the research work can
be done passionately / enthusiastically, then for research, only the sky is the limit. Our library has taken a new shape with shelves covered with books both in English & Telugu. I personally believe that the Library with this number books is certainly an asset to the school. Some of the Master’s class students have gathered in the library to complete their assignments. We are so delighted to see our library being a helpful resource. We thank brother Jerry & sister Paula for helping us mail some of the books to India from USA.
Master’s Class: I am constantly in touch with the Master’s Class students and helping them to finish their assignments before due time. We are getting ready for the next master’s class week which would be in the month of September. We received several calls inquiring about the next Master’s Class batch. I wonder how many of them would show up to the next class, but I clearly told them that the current batch is already having classes and the newcomers would have to wait until the next class started.
New Addition to the Church: As the gospel is being preached, a number of people are coming forward to accept our Lord Jesus Christ. We were privileged to baptize two women who were taught about Jesus by one of our graduates.
Gratitude: Our heart felt thanks goes to the brethren at Lake Houston, TX who are funding the school, also the congregation at the Strickland Church of Christ who are supplying the funds to fill the gap. Through their support and encouragement we are able to do all the above mentioned work. We thank our God for His mercy which is bestowed upon us through which were are able to fulfill the commandment of Jesus, that is, “Go into all the world to preach the gospel.” We will do our best to keep up the good work and trust and confidence you brethren have in us. We must also appreciate the brethren at Bear Valley Church of Christ and BVBID who are behind this whole Extension school program.
Please give our greetings to the brethren at your home congregation. Please continue to remember us in your prayers as we remember all of you in our daily prayers. Please pray for our graduates who are striving for His cause.
Thanking you all in Christ,
John Dean Muppidi
Visakha Valley Bible College
Church of Christ
Andhra Pradesh, INDIA
Cell: 091 - 9989922844