The Heart Of The People In Tanzania...

Greetings Fellow Workers;

We hope and pray all is well in your life and that the Lord continues to bless you. We thank you for your prayers; they are being answered in a most powerful way here in Tanzania. 

The “heart of the people” here in Tanzania continues to amaze me. Example: One of our brothers in Christ at the Arusha congregation, Lenjima, went to Dodoma (the official Capital of Tanzania) to visit his daughter (Katherine) who is a student at the University. She was working at a small shop between semesters where her father met her upon arriving. 

She introduced her father to a teacher from the university that was at the shop. The teacher’s name is Delphine. Katherine had been studying the Bible with Delphine for some time. Delphine invited Lenjima to her home village of Kibosho (on the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro, just outside the city of Moshi) to study with her and her family. Lenjima returned to Arusha and met with me, asking if I would come and meet this family and study God’s word with them. 

We did! This past Wednesday Lenjima, Nathan & Jessica McVeigh, and another brother from Arusha, Anthony Frido, made the two hour trip to Kibosho to meet Delphine and her family. We arrived around noon and were greeted by Delphine (who traveled from Dodoma, a full days ride on the bus just to meet and study with us), her mother and eight other ladies. They offered us tea and chapati followed by a study of God’s Word. 

After the study Delphine informed us they wanted the church to be planted in their village and that her mother was willing to donate land to build a place to worship. We expressed our gratitude and set things up for Lenjima to return this coming week to introduce Josephat Massawe (the Evangelist for the Kilimanjaro congregation and Director of the Moshi Bible School) to this family for further studies. 

The power of God’s Word, in the heart and hands of faithful young people, raised in a Godly home, with a father who puts God first in his life, and the heart of the Tanzania people, makes for a really good thing. 

This is but one of many examples that illustrate the need to train more and more faithful evangelist in God’s Word that they might in turn take the saving message of the Truth to their own people. (2 Tim. 2.2). We need your help that we might help them help themselves. Support a student and change lives for eternity! Please!

We are thankful for Jerry Bates who arrived this week to teach two Master’s level classes. Jerry is one of the extension teachers for Bear Valley. He does a lot of work in India and is a full time worker at Voice for Truth International. We are so very thankful for men like Jerry who are willing to give of themselves for the sake of the lost of this world. 

Fariji Paul wrote of a new sister in Christ at Usa River. Issac Kusupa wrote saying they had a great attendance at White Rose today, over 20 adults and 15 children. Issac’s father obeyed the Gospel last week during the Kwa Mrombo campaign. Nsumve writes; “Four souls have become New Testament Christians today here at Mwanza. We have a big challenge, no place to worship for all five congregations. Please try to help these congregations.”

Thank you all for all you do and please continue to remember God’s workers throughout the world. We love and admire each of you for your love of the Truth and for your desire to teach others through your support of missions. 

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on July 28, 2013 .