48 Years Of Training Preachers...

The time is drawing near for the Bear Valley Bible Institute to begin the 48th year of training men to preach in Denver. I am thankful to have been a recipient of the training Bear Valley provides and even more thankful for the opportunity to serve on the staff of this great organization. I know the next 48 years will continue to see sound men trained in God’s word who will go out and teach others.

The next class of students in Denver is shaping up to be a great class. Orientation is just over a week away and several students have arrived already as they prepare to begin classes. There is something exciting about seeing these men leave the security of their homes and jobs to move to Denver and begin a new path in ministry in the Lord’s kingdom. 

The same is true around the world. The sacrifices made by the brethren in every country is humbling. Their willingness and dedication to study God’s word and give their lives to serve in the Lord’s kingdom is amazing. They serve as great examples of faith for all of us today. As they grow in their understanding of the truth, they go out and begin sharing the message with their families, friends, and communities. The beautiful part is seeing God give the increase.

This week’s report continues to share news about the growth and development of these students who are a tool in the hands of God as He prepares them for the greatest work on earth. Please pray for the students about to begin their journey in Denver and for all those who are currently studying around the world.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/

Extension Reports 

A New Quarter Begins And God Blesses The Work: While students are beginning the 3rd quarter of studies in Cameroon, God continues to give the increase to the work.

Graduation And Lectureship In Tamale, Ghana: The Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies held a recent graduation and lectureship and the work is growing.

Preparing For Short Courses In Nigeria: Students at the Southwest School of Evangelism are getting ready for two short courses.

57 Obey The Gospel In Tanzania: The news is exciting in Tanzania as the Safari for Souls Campaigns continue to show the working of God through His people. 

Final Thoughts
A final word of gratitude. Thank you for your continued prayers, support and encouragement for the work of training preachers. We know that without you this work would fall short of the goals and plans established for developing the Bear Valley Bible Institute. We want each of you to know how important you are to the Lord’s work. Our prayer is that God will continue to bless you richly.

God bless

Posted on July 21, 2013 .