57 Obey The Gospel In Tanzania...

Greetings Fellow Workers,

We thank each of your for your continued prayers and support for God’s work in Tanzania. The work continues to be blessed in so many ways. We are indeed a blessed people working with some of God’s finest.

We have now completed our third campaign for the summer. With sixteen new souls being added to the Church of our Lord this week at Kwa Mrombo. We thank God, John Hall and his fellow workers for a job well done. The church at Kwa Mrombo worked very hard a month prior to the group coming and they also have plans to continue with the follow-up studies in the coming months.

The Lord has blessed His Kingdom with twenty-two new souls at White Rose and another seventeen souls at Ngordoto. I received a message today from Kambi ya Chui (a congregation planted by the Mtu wa Mbu congregation) of two new souls being added to the Church. It thrills the soul to see the power of God’s Word working in the lives of the good people of Tanzania. I would also ask that you continue praying for the good brothers and sisters here in Tanzania. The campaigns are what they are in a large part due to the talent of our translators, evangelist, and Bible teachers.

The campaign season comes to a close, but the work continues. Our brother Jerry Bates will arrive this weekend. He will be teaching two Masters classes at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. We are thankful for Jerry and others with the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver and the extension program (working with eighteen schools around the world), for the good they do in the training of faithful men that they in turn might teach their fellow man. 

We would like to introduce Nathan and Jessica McVeigh. They have joined us for a one year mission internship. Nathan completed his studies at Bear Valley and both he and Jessica have a strong desire to do God’s mission work. We are thankful for them and their desire to do God’s will. They are adjusting to their new home and work and have jumped right in and are serving faithfully.

Please continue to remember the Gaines family as they continue on the fundraising trail. They hope to join us later this year. They have made a three year commitment and are about 75% funded. If you or someone you know are interested in taking the Gospel to a people truly desiring to know the Truth of God’s Word. Please consider this family in your support of God’s mission work. Please drop Daniel, Tiffany and children a short note, letting them know you are thinking and praying for them. If at all possible, please support this good family in their desire to do the will of the Father. Daniel Gaines (daniel-gaines@hotmail.com)

In closing I would like to ask for your help. We have a great need before us. We would like to bring in thirty new students in the 2014 class. We need to raise funds for fifteen. Any help in this area is greatly needed and will do much good. If you need information to help in you decision, please let me know. 

In Him, 
Cy, Stephanie, Granny & Parker

Posted on July 21, 2013 .