New Quarter Begins And God Blesses The Work...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings to you all from Cameroon. We do hope you are doing great over there in the church and family. God is blessing us and we praise Him. We are in the heart of rainy season and, because of the poor weather condition, many are sick here. Keep our students and some Christians in your prayers.

I baptized sister Immaculate Momai into Christ. Please keep her in your prayers, so that many in her family will come to know God, love Him and obey the gospel because of her.

CBIW students are all on campus and have already started the 3rd quarter fully, without any major problems.We went out to Muyuka town, a very big town, for weekend evangelism with those students who are sound in health, and we just made our way back to Wotutu safe and sound.

In class I was able to introduce the students to a new semester that will take us up to September. They are doing great keep them in your prayers.

We went to Muyuka this weekend for our very first weekend evangelism for the 3rd semester. We hired a 19 seat van ready to take us to our mission field. The journey was safe. We thank you for your prayers.

Our safe arrival in Muyuka gave us the opportunity to start reaching out to many through house to house evangelism, as brother Chijioke and others preached and pointed out what the Bible says to prospects.

I was also able to show the way by reaching out to prospects as we take them back to the Bible. Muyuka is a town characterized with all kinds of denominations. The weekend was really not enough time for us to go through the town, but our impact was felt for those houses where we were able to knock their doors. They opened wide the doors of their houses and some also opened the doors to their hearts.

Brother Ebage, our student, also baptized sister Tongo Nadesh whose husband was very happy as a brother who has struggled to help her become a Christians. The family is completely, now in Christ.Keep them in your prayers for them to grow to macturity. A total of 5 precious souls were added into the church in Muyuka. Praise goes to God for His care and love.

1) We shall move to Batoke, by His grace, next month for evangelism and possible establishment of a new congregation, if the Lord wills.

2) We shall go to Ediki village in August for a revival trip to revive a dead congregation , keep us in your prayers to discharge all this mission for His glory.

3) We shall also travel to the island of Bakassi with some students for evangelism in a community that denominations have not yet been dominated.

Pray for us. Most of us were beaten by mosquitoes during this trip which means that we may have malaria attacks, because we were to exposed. Please pray for us as we prepare some herbs and drugs to keep fit and flush our systems.

Thank you for your help and prayers. God bless you and replenish your deep sacrifice for the work going on here. Only God will reward you all.

Do your best to share this report with others. Jesus Christ is Lord.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director CBIW

Posted on July 21, 2013 .