A Few Thoughts About A Godly Father...

A mixture of emotions surrounds this week’s report. Not because of the reports that have been given, but because of the passing of my father. There are moments I am sad and happy, at the same time; moments when I feel confused, yet knowing the great reward he enjoys. Everything he stood for, lived for, and awaited with great anticipation is now the reality he enjoys. I would like to take a moment and give a short tribute to him. 

I was blessed to have such a godly man as the major influence in my life growing up. I cannot remember a time when I did not see him with his Bible close at hand. If there was ever a man who lived in and by the Word of God, it was him. For the past 30+ years he has read the New Testament through once every month and the Old Testament through twice each year. He not only memorized the Bible, he knew it and lived it.

He was a preacher, teacher, the best one-on-one personal worker I have ever known, father, grandfather, husband and friend. I give thanks for the great victory he has achieved and look forward to being with him again one day. He left this world with the riches of family, friends, and loved ones too many to count. 

I do not know how many people will be in heaven because of the incredible personal work he has done, but it will be many. I know I am certainly who I am today because of him. I hope to pass along the same legacy to my children. Thank you for your prayers.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/

Extension Reports 

A Great Week In Cameroon: The work by students in Cameroon continues to show the power of God’s hand with the graduates and current students of CBIW.

Stewardship Seminar Brings Unity In Togo: A recent seminar in Togo helps develop unity among the congregations participating in this event.

Dedication Of Events Hall To Come: Thanks to the great work of Doug Wheeler in Nigeria, a new events hall in Southwest School of Evangelism will be dedicated to him.

Reports From Students Of USOE Show Growth: Graduates from the Uganda School of Evangelism show growth in the local congregations.

A Special Note Of Thanks: More news if forthcoming from Guatemala. This note is one of special gratitude.

Maturing The Lord’s Church In Tanzania: As the goals continue to be met in Arusha, the Lord’s church continues to mature.

This Won’t Be In The Report, Will It? The children in the Gee family have learned the importance of being careful of what they say. 

Final Thoughts
Thank you for all you do for the extension work. As we close this week, it is exciting to know the work we are all involved with is making an eternal difference. You are all a blessing to the work of our Lord, and to me personally. Thank you.

God bless

Posted on April 21, 2013 .