A Great Week In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings and love from this end, from your brothers and sisters in Christ here in Wotutu. We hope this report finds you and the entire family of God’s people there in good health. We are doing okay here, just for the fact that many people are sick now as we move towards the rainy season here in Cameroon. Some students were really sick and our medicine box at the school could not help them. We sent them to the hospital to see the doctor. Among them is brother Namana Martin, who was vomiting blood. We thought it was tuberculosis, but the doctor, after examination and clinical findings, told us it was not TB. I decided to send him home for herbal treatment, as he told me that may help him. Keep him in your prayers to recover speedily and return to school.

Our students trekked down to the young congregation in Mile 4 which is about 1.5 mile away from Wotutu to help scatter the seed of the gospel.

Still on the road very close to Mile 4, as we think souls. We don’t sit, we move towards souls, so that by His grace many that listen and obey the truth, we shall rob from the strong man’s house. Keep this work in prayers.

A girl from the Mile 4 congregation and her children benefitted for the first time to hear the doctrine of Jesus undiluted. She opened her house and her heart to study some more. Keep her in your prayers as she believes that baptism is not immediate. We shall continue in the follow up.

Brother Assah Peter is doing the same house to house evangelism that is our motto and we do our best to work in accordance with the motto. Many souls are perishing and time is running out. We must do this work now that it is still day. Many love the work we are doing as we preach in the entire community of Wotutu every morning. Some will talk against the doctrine of Christ that we preach, while others love it. For two days we were off the air as our PA system was bad. Many called to asked why. That was the time I truly knew that a great number of people follow the preaching daily.

The entire student body went with the evangelist to the Mile 4 congregation for a family picture. The Mile 4 congregation is less than 3 months of age. Please keep the work there in prayer as our students go there every week to help with the work.

Training is of great importance as our students pay attention to the training they are undergoing with the zeal we instill in them to pay attention to souls. It is our great expectation that as they leave CBIW that burning spirit will continue to push them ahead and never look behind. The Alpha graduates keep impressing me daily from their calls and appeals for Bibles for young converts in their areas of ministry. I visited some in the cause of the week as I passed by their communities. I saw in them that spirit, oh the spirit of CBIW, the spirit of reaching out no matter what. Socially they have no message to take home concerning their zeal and devotions, but they keep moving even as things are really hard on their way. My son, Ray Jr., carried the flag of Cameroon. You could see in his face how serious he was in holding the flag. Whenever I am with him, as we move around from one village or town, whenever he sees the flag of Cameroon he will show me “eh daddy, that is the Cameroon flag.” Oh, I pray that he will grow up to point many to the Bible where you can read about God and can gain salvation free through JESUS. Let us join to train people who will love to point people to Jesus. As we love our country and we teach our children in their tender age to know lots about our country, let us teach them more about Jesus and His church. I love Ray, I love Ray was a song one of our short course lecturers composed for him during his 2nd birthday. Keep Ray in your prayers. He is a promising young man. God bless you all and your loving kids

We shall go to Dibanda congregation this weekend for a four days evangelism , please keep the work in your prayers.

We thank God for you as you invest your time in prayers and support of the work that is going on here. God bless you and keep you. Share this report with others who may love to be part of this soul saving ministry.

We will appreciate your comments and advice.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director CBIW

Posted on April 21, 2013 .