The Truth Will Set You Free...

Greetings Fellow Workers;

We pray this note finds you well, blessed and serving faithfully. We are good and we are thankful for the blessing of health and the privilege of serving in Tanzania. This past week has been a busy one, full of good news and blessings.

Our brother Gasper writes; “A woman preacher at Matunda has stopped preaching after a study with those at the Lord’s Church at Mtu wa Mbu. She has turned the preaching over to the men. We still need your prayers because on the 19th we will have another Bible class on the subject of the proper name of the Church and how we are to worship. Her children worship with us at the Church here in Mtu wa Mbu.”

Yes, the truth will set you free (John 8.32).

From time to time we have the privilege of helping our good brothers and sisters who have gone the extra mile by doing what they can with what they have. The Nakwa congregation has worked tirelessly making and burning bricks. They have laid the foundation, built the walls and are now in need of putting a roof on. This is where you come in; we are asking for your help, helping them as they strive to help themselves. We need $850 to purchase the timber, iron sheets, and nails to put a roof on this meeting house. The labor will be provided by the church. Please, if you can, help in any way you can. When you do, simply note the purpose of your donation: “Nakwa congregation meeting house.” Thank you in advance for your sacrificial gift.

Today was a very special day at the new church plant here in the White Rose area of Arusha. They are currently meeting in a 10 X 10 room of one of the members homes (Baraka & Angel). Twenty-one souls gathered in this room to study God’s Word and to worship Him. The singing was amazing and the love and joy expressed by each was indeed encouraging.

They have rented a new room (twice the current space). They hope to move in by this Wednesday for their mid-week Bible class. We had three students from the ACSOP join us. They led in singing, prayer and other aspects of the worship. It is a blessing to see these young Christians “soaking” up God’s Word and seeing the transformation in their lives. God’s Word is having its desired impact in Tanzania.

After fifteen years of mission efforts, God has blessed us with growth beyond our wildest imagination. Below is a letter recently sent out to our supporters explaining this very thing and some exciting news regarding the future of God’s work here in Tanzania and throughout East Africa. 

To everyone who has made this work what it is, we say thank you. As we move forward, we ask for your continued prayers, support and fellowship. The best is yet to come. With your help, God’s blessings, and a continued effort, God will have His way and countless souls will be saved. 

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny


To our partners and supporters in TZ 2000,

I have some exciting news to share!  God’s blessing of the work in Tanzania has grown beyond what we ever imagined 15 years ago. In 1998, the leadership of the TZ 2000 effort set 3 goals by the year 2018: 

(1) To teach Tanzanians to teach Tanzanians 

(2) To strengthen and mature the congregations in Arusha & Moshi to be self-supporting       with goals of appointing leaders 

(3) To plant 50 congregations in East Africa.  

Through the establishment of the Andrew Connally School of Preaching (ACSOP) and the Arusha and Moshi Bible schools, we have met and exceeded these goals in less than 15 years resulting in: 

  • 135 gospel ministers trained – 24 currently enrolled in ACSOP
  • More than 150 congregations planted
  • Over 3,000 Christians meeting each Lord’s Day 
  • Two “second generation” training schools - Uganda School of Evangelism and Kenya School of Preaching
  • And the growth in leadership and maturation of individuals and congregations!    

None of this work could be accomplished without your support and prayer.

Now the next phase of growth awaits us.  The only limits we have are those that we place on ourselves (Eph 3:20).  With the TZ 2000 effort looking toward accomplishing more, the Kensington Woods (KW) eldership is partnering with the elders of the Bear Valley (BV) congregation in Denver, CO to direct the efforts of the ACSOP to further the work that the TZ team has accomplished.  As some may know, Bear Valley has been instrumental in training preachers since 1965 and has been a long-standing partner in the ACSOP.  It is a natural progression that as the work grows, Bear Valley will be on board to help provide that oversight needed to grow the evangelism process to train men to teach others (2 Tim 2:2).

How does this affect you as a partner in the TZ 2000 work?  NOT AT ALL!  My role will continue as it is today.  The team on the ground in Tanzania will continue working as before.  Kensington Woods will still be involved in the work.  You will still be a part of the team that is changing the world in East Africa.  The only change is that Bear Valley will be involved in overseeing the work of the ACSOP to carry it beyond the level it is today to reach even more souls.  As the transfer of oversight goes from KW to BV, you will be asked to do two things: add Bear Valley to your prayer list and change the mailing address of future correspondence to Denver instead of Hattiesburg.  The target date for this change to occur is July 1, 2013, and we promise to keep you abreast of the progress as we proceed toward that goal.

What God controls, grows!  He controls the work in Tanzania - it is merely under the oversight of faithful men.  By making these changes, TZ 2000 is positioning itself to take the gospel even further and faster than we ever imagined.  To God be the glory great things He is doing! Thank you for your faithfulness in helping us accomplish much for Him. If you have questions concerning anything related to TZ 2000, please direct those questions to me.

Because He lives....

Cy Stafford
Stateside phone: 601.310.6170

Posted on April 14, 2013 .