Hi-ho, Hi-ho...You Know The Rest!

Report: 4-8-13

"All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats..." (Mt. 25:32) 

Dear Co-Laborers: 

Rain drops keep falling keeping the town of Kisongo a beautiful bright green. Upon observing some empty seats in worship, a Kisongo member said: "God blesses us with the rain we prayed for but some members decide not to attend due to having to walk in the mud." Many times God answers prayers only to have Christians decide to put Him second (which translates as "last").   

Hi-ho, Hi-ho it's off to class they go... The ACSOP has begun a new quarter. Classes are "Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy," "Life of Christ I, "Christian Evidences," "Sermon Prep and Presentation," and the "Book of Acts." There is no better way to do mission work than to train the local people to teach their own.      

"You formed my inward parts; you covered me in my mother's womb."  (Psa. 139:13). Speaking of rain earlier, it's been "raining" babies at the Kisongo congregation for three months. While visiting a new mother (Nyamyake), she told of her birth experience with newest and 6th child. Easily mistaken for a 13-year-old, this small lady gave birth to all her children at home...this last one being delivered by Nyamyake HERSELF (she may have delivered others by herself). Shortly after going to bed, her labor pains began. Her husband awoke asking if he could help. Nonchalantly, she told him to go back to sleep; she could handle it. Lying on the floor and holding onto a bucket for "support," she gave birth to Anna. Never doubt our observation during our first year in Africa: "The strongest woman in America is a wimp in Africa!" 

Last week, a midnight call awakened us because our neighbor Ruth needed a ride to the hospital. She was "sick" (ha/ha). Tanzanians are embarrassed to say their wife is in labor (or that she is pregnant). At services, two more "new arrivals" were announced bringing the total to six!

At the monthly Arusha Evangelism meeting, Jimmy encouraged everyone to focus on a few things and to do those with excellence. Church growth was discussed with the goal being five churches established in five years. Since the White Rose congregation is the present focus, the Hoover group will work there after arriving May 30th. The local brethren will conduct pre-campaign work in May before the "Safari for Souls" campaign begins in June.

Besides being thankful for the Hoover group, who come each summer, we are also grateful for many other short-term workers. Those from Oklahoma are scheduled to arrive on June 17 to evangelize in Ngurdoto. Also, we welcome husband-and-wife team, Nathan and Jessica McVeigh (Bear Valley Bible Institute graduates) to work for one year (possibly in Njiro).         

"In the beginning..." Our children have been studying Genesis in preparation for the Bible Bowl at "PowWow," a homeschooling event held annually at the Indian Creek Youth Camp (Oakman, AL).     

Grace and Rachel will soon return to their boarding schools (armed with the newly translated "Searching for Truth" books and other Bible material). Pray for their continued study as they are not allowed to attend worship while at school (makes you thankful for the privilege, doesn't it?) 

Born in the U.S.A.... and thankful for it. Three weeks and $1800 is between us and you. {Unless you have lived overseas, it's difficult to appreciate the American freedoms. Granted some are "under fire" and it will be a sad, sad day if America becomes like other nations with a high level of government corruption and inefficiency, with few (if any) rights and substandard healthcare in socialized hospitals. In Tanzania, one can never technically own land (one can buy a 99-year lease but the government is free to take land at any time WITHOUT compensation to the owner). There is a reason America has stood tall and prospered.} We appreciate the recent contribution made last week. Thanks so much! Could anyone initiate a special contribution at your congregation so all of the funds could be in place? We thank you in advance for your generosity and kindness and look forward to seeing you soon. 

With Love from Africa,
Jimmy, Trina, Lindsey, Abigail, Heather, Candace, Stuart, David, Naomi, Elijah and Matthew

Report: 4-15-13

"Give thanks to the God of heaven, for His lovingkindness is everlasting." Psa. 136:26  

Dear Family, Friends and Supporters:

Good News!  Thanks be to God (and for all your prayers) ...the Immigration Visas were approved!  We are grateful for finally "clearing this hurdle."

Bad News! We don't know how long it will take to get the files from the states to Dar es Salaam. The U.S. Embassy says the soonest appointment for interviews is JUNE (6 weeks past our departure date). So, please keep praying. If worse comes to worst, the TZ children travel to the U.S. on tourist visas AGAIN (necessary to pay an additional $640). Once received by the Embassy, the Immigration Visas are valid for two years (necessitating our return to the states within about 1 1/2  years for another furlough). By the way, IF our fully-adopted TZ children entered the U.S.  illegally, then the process to become a legal citizen would be FREE!  Has the world gone crazy? Or is it a political maneuver to gain voters? Singer and songwriter, Ray Stevens, "hit the nail on the head" with his song, "Come to the U.S.A."

Another Ray Stevens' song, "Used Cars," came to mind Friday morning on our way to get Yellow Fever vaccinations (the time had expired since our last one). One line of the song says: "Thanks to that car, their money and their minds are gone!" That just about sums it up! A radiator hose blew off and the van died while pulling into the station (not that the station could fix it; we called our friend and mechanic, Kambarage, to pick it up). The van had just been serviced a month earlier. Cy Stafford arrived soon to transport Jimmy home to get the Prado. When Jimmy returned, eleven of us squeezed into the 8-seater to drive to the pharmacy to collect the vaccines and then on to another location to get the vaccination cards. Afterwards we headed to the Tanzanian Christian Clinic where co-missionary and nurse, Stephanie Stafford, injected us.  Unfortunately we had no choice because the TZ government requires it to re-enter their country.  Stephanie did a great job so there was no "weeping or gnashing of teeth." We're praying there are no major side effects either.

Sadly, a small plane crashed a few miles from our house last night, killing the pilot. Our house is in the path of the airport. Interestingly, our "furlough house" is in Calera, AL and near the airport. Our sincerest thanks is expressed to Sid Aultman for his help in securing this house. No doubt about it...he has gone the "second mile" and maybe a third. 

A big plane is what we hope to board in exactly 2 weeks. Thanks to all who contributed to our furlough funds this past week! The balance now stands at $800. We appreciate each one of you for your loyalty, dedication and love of lost souls. Your kindness and generosity towards us in our work in Tanzania is to be commended. Lord willing, we will see you soon!  

With Love from Africa,
The Jimmy Gee family

Posted on April 14, 2013 .