Combination Campaign And Recruiting Tour In Nepal...

The preaching school, Nepal Center For Biblical Study, takes two holidays each year. This is our first week of a three week Spring Break. More accurately it is the Nepali New Year. All the schools, grades KG to 12, finish their regular school year and the new school term will begin in late April. It is a good time for our students to go home, be with their families, and also work with their local congregations. This group of five students will graduate in late September and we will begin our next class of students [third group] on November 11.

Gajendra, the NCBS Director, is using this free time to do a 15-day combination campaign, teaching, and recruiting tour to three different areas. He began last week in the southern hill region, pressing on to the adjacent jungle region, and then will continue to a northern mountain area that is 10-15 miles below the Tibet border at an elevation of about 12,000 feet. There are a number of faithful and growing congregations in these areas. The church is growing faster in these village areas than it is in the large cities.

I am spending my time writing articles on requested subjects that will be translated and printed as tracts. These will be distributed to all the congregations in Nepal. I am also preparing lessons for out upcoming classes. For Gajendra and I both, this time is more of a change of pace time than a full holiday. We enjoy this time and are looking forward to the return of the students.

Don Prather, and his wife Janie, will be coming for two weeks in July. This will be their third trip to Nepal. Carl and Debbie Fronabarger will also be coming for their first time in Nepal. The plan is to have classes in Kathmandu for the students and about 40-50 leaders from around the country. The classes will be on congregational growth and maturity in the mornings and preacher/leader growth in the afternoons. 

Janie and Debbie will be teaching ladies bible classes in three different congregations during this week.  

The second week will find them in east Nepal working with the congregations in that area. The subject matter will be the same, including more classes for the ladies also. 

Please remember us in your prayers. God has blessed us greatly. Please contact me to set up the time, subjects, and itinerary for your Nepal trip …….. you are invited.

In Christian love and service,
Jerry Golphenee

Posted on April 14, 2013 .