Master's Class Graduates In VVBC...

Greetings to you in the precious name of Lord Jesus Christ. 

Lord has blessed us with the Preacher Training program through your kind help. By the grace of God and your kind encouragements we have reached two milestones so far. One is training 16 men in the year 2009-11, and the second is, 9 preachers receiving Master's Diploma from Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver, which made the total students sent our to the mission field from our school is 25. 

Now, we reached another milestone, that is sending another 13 successful students (2011-13) to the mission field. Tomorrow, we shall be having the graduation ceremony of the students for successfully completing the course. We are excited about that, we shall have brother Jerry Bates representing BVBID who will be awarding the Diplomas to the students. 

Graduation of first Master Class:
We believe that the Scripture is revealed to us by the inspired men so that the man of God is equipped for every good work. The good work involves teaching, correcting, reproofing and for training in righteousness. We are certainly blessed to have Visakha Valley Bible College to teach the inspired word to the man of God to do every good work. Nine students out of the twelve have successfully completed the required work in order to receive the MA diploma from Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver.

So far, our school has sent out 25 students including these 9 masters class students. As a result, they are working with 30 different congregations in 30 different places, glory to God.  Now, with this 16 new graduates the total number of students sent are 41

At this time we honor the name of the mighty God for His kindness through which we were blessed to be His children. However without someone going to the world and preaching the word, the whole world would be lost. The mission of the Elders of the Bear Valley Church of Christ is coming true, through their dedicated efforts. We are thankful to them for allowing us to use their curriculum and present Diplomas to our students.

We thank the dear elders of the Lake Houston Church of Christ for continuing your support to accomplish something great for our Lord, that is training the men to effectively carryout the gospel to lost millions in India. We appreciate your trust and confidence. At this time I must appreciate brother Steve Wiseman who is instrumental in this relationship going on. Above every thing, glory goes to our Lord God for blessing us with Visakha Valley Bible College, which is producing effective evangelists to proclaim the good news to the lost millions in India. 

Please convey our greetings to the brethren in the congregation. God bless,  

John Dean Muppidi
Skinner's Garden Bible School
Visakha Valley Bible College
Church of Christ
Andhra Pradesh,  INDIA
Cell: 091 - 9989922844

Posted on April 14, 2013 .