Wives' Seminar In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from your brothers and sisters here. I present before you our annual Preacher’s Wives Seminar in Cameroon, this is the second edition. The preacher's wives had no program in the entire calendar of the work here in Cameroon. We initiated this last year and 40 wives attended for one day. This time around the sisters, themselves, decided that it will be for 3 days, again in Wotutu. Please, please I put it before you for your prayers for the success of the program and possible assistance to help run the day smoothly.

If you have some thoughts, then share with us while we wait to read from you. The primary aim was to help our young preachers in school whose wives will be part of the program to learn from the older preacher's wives who have been serving for a longer time in the mission field already. Then after this program, we shall start sending our married students with their wives for mission campaigns before graduation.

Please, thank you for your prayers and always being there for us.

Elangwe and wife on behalf of the church in Wotutu.

Posted on April 14, 2013 .