A Peaceful Election In Kenya And Classes Begin...


I hope and pray this finds you doing well in the Lord. I am happy to report that we too are doing great. It is supposed to be winter here in Kisumu but it’s not working at 80 degrees F, yet raining.

The Kenya School of Preaching began the third quarter of classes April 1st. They were on a one month break to allow them go back to their various home villages to exercise their democratic right to vote for a new president in Kenya. We thank God the Election was peaceful and no violence was reported except for a few demonstrations. On April 9th the fourth Kenyan president will be sworn in officially. We thank you all who kept Kenya and Kenyans in prayer.

I appreciate the braveness showed by Mike Reese, the KSOP coordinator, Mike Rowand and his better half, David and his better half, from the Charlotte Avenue church. These brethren overcame the fear that violence will be in Kenya before and after presidential elections and came and taught two classes at KSOP as well as led various gospel campaigns and seminars which brought forth much fruit in the Kingdom, because of their love for souls during the month of February and March. Thanks for trusting our advice, God bless you.

All the 17 preaching students are back in classes. This quarter they are studying OT History (Joshua, Judges, Ruth), and Writing Skills by Charles. The Ministry of Jesus and 1 & 2 Corinthians by Elias.  The book of Job by David Wasonga.  Short courses: World religion by Phabian, and lastly 1 & 2 Thessalonians by Obadiah Omutele. So far it has been a great start with all things working according to schedule.

During the break both Elias and Charles visited the congregations where they had been serving as preachers and some congregations where the preaching school students come from. Some congregations are doing real good while others are struggling and will really benefit from the trained preachers. Different students reported marvelous work that the Lord did as they went out to plant the seed. From the report, we have 8 baptisms!

Join us in prayers as we need to send these preaching students to local congregations in Western Kenya to help evangelize. This requires money to make it possible and it is one way to train these men to reach out to the lost practically.

We still pray that God will help us get land and funds to purchase it and construct buildings for the school. As well, we still appeal for brethren to help donate books to our young and small library.

Thanks for the great sacrifices that you are making. We love and pray for God’s blessings to you.

His servant and yours,
Charles Ogutu

Posted on April 14, 2013 .