Study And Focus On Leadership...

The past weekend was a time of study and focus on leadership with the Linder Road congregation in Boise, Idaho. The church at Linder Road hosts a men’s retreat each year and studies areas to help encourage the men in the congregation with growth spiritually, fulfilling God’s will in their lives, from the home to the church to the community. This congregation is also involved in the Extension program in Guatemala and Paraguay.

While I enjoyed the opportunity of talking about leadership, the take away for me was the time shared after lunch on Saturday. Several of the men sat down and discussed areas where they wanted to give praise to God. As well, we spoke about specific requests from areas in our lives we would pray about together. This was a rich time of praying together as brothers and a wonderful opportunity to grow closer together in relationship to one another. I appreciated this time of fellowship and the blessing it brought to my life.

I am thankful to have been given the privilege of sharing in this event and getting to know the men of the Linder Road congregation better. I pray they will continue to grow in their relationship with each other as they serve our great and holy God.

The Bible Institute in Denver continues to edge its way toward graduation. Students are approaching a week of research as they work on digging deeper in the development of their assignments. Other students in the Extension Program are also working their way through their quarter of studies and many are reaching out with the gospel. The results this week have witnessed God giving the increase in great ways.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/

Extension Reports 

Back To Class In Cameroon: After a successful campaign and short break, classes have resumed in Cameroon. Students continue preparing for the work of evangelism.

Evangelism Produces Fruit In Nigeria: As staff and students reach out with the gospel in various events, God is giving the increase.

New Milestone In Paraguay: The church is experiencing a new milestone with the start of the school in Asunción.

The Greatest Challenge In Cambodia: The years bring many changes to the challenges in the work. Phanat Ouch shares some of those challenges.

Expansion Considerations In Siem Reap: The church is growing and considering how to expand for more people to attend worship in Cambodia.

U.S. Teachers Visit BVBIU: Several teachers have visited the campus in Gorlovka, Ukraine and the program continues to see the benefits of the work.

Graduate Reports Show Growth In Tanzania: The Andrew Connally School of Preaching is seeing success from graduates who are teaching the gospel. 

Final Thoughts
Beginning a new week reminds me of the continual blessing of this program. No matter what time of the year or day of the week, students are involved in classwork, outreach in evangelism, or worship of God. Their dedication drives the purpose for which this program exists. Thank you for helping make this a reality. Your financial support, encouragement, and prayers strengthen every area of the work. I pray for you daily.

God bless

Posted on April 7, 2013 .