A Ladies' Class Will Benefit Upcoming Lectureship...

Dear brethren,

We thank you all very much for what you are doing. Your support is of great importance for the work here in Uganda. The church is growing and the Lord is being glorified. At the Uganda School of Evangelism students and the whole staff are doing fine and appreciate very much for what you are doing in supporting this work. The short course teachers, brother Donnie and Jimmy, arrived on the 6th of April. On Sunday they went to the Emmanuel Mawa to Namungodi congregations where they worshiped in the beautiful garden of brother Arthur. On Monday  they both started class. They combined both Kiswahili and English Classes in the hall. Paul Odaka helped with translation to Kiswahili class. 

Those in English class who hear Kiswahili were getting it twice. The short course ends on the 17th of April and brother Donnie and Jimmy will be departing on the 18th of April. 

Ladies’ Class
After a long cry from ladies of congregations, who usually come for our lectureships, for classes on Bible education, on the 22nd of April we will be starting that program and it will end on the 3rd May. Our plan is that these ladies will come after the short course every quarter four times in a year.

Bulukuyi congregation has finished putting together their grass thatched building and they are planning to put mud on Saturday, the 13th of April. Our student, brother Robert Owoko, is the one preaching there every Sunday. 

The Lord is blessing His work here in Uganda. May your effort too be blessed. 

Francis, Margaret, Paul, Susan and Edith and Ema

Posted on April 14, 2013 .