Another Great Man Of God Has Gone Home...

Yesterday evening, Keith Kasarjian and his father, Luke, were headed to see a Florida State football game when Keith’s father suffered a sudden heart attack and left this world for a world far better. The influence of a godly man is best seen in the lives of his family and people he touched. Based on the comments to Keith and his family, Luke Kasarjian provided a Christian example that will have a long lasting impact around the world. Please remember to pray for the Kasarjian family during this time. 

The past, present and future all play a significant part of this week’s report. The past week was one filled with great news in the extension work. Reports share news about God’s working through the students to reach out with the gospel of Jesus. Souls have been added to the kingdom and others continue to learn about our Savior.

The present is filled with joy over a day to worship God. The reports also speak of today’s activities by encouraging the brethren, praising the Creator and Sustainer of all. Also, reports indicate that today was one where the gospel was shared with others who have yet so submit their lives in obedience to the Lord. We ask that you pray their hearts will be receptive.

The future shares great optimism. There is confidence the Lord will bless the foundation laid in the past, the efforts of the present and plans for the future. Over the next two months we will be gathering information about the progress of 2013 and planning the direction of 2014. Preliminary statistics indicate the year behind us was filled with the power of God’s blessings.

We pray with the knowledge that God will continue to bless our plans to glorify Him through preparing students to share the gospel throughout the world. Please read on and pray with us as we build on the past, stand secure in the present and plan for the future.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/

The latest report from Steven Ashcraft concerning the work in West Africa is here.

Extension Reports 

Weekend Evangelism Yields Fruit In Cameroon: Students returning from their weekend evangelism shows the hand of God giving the increase.

Students Recruited In Russia For BVBIU: Dennis Sopelnik recently returned from a trip to Russia where he was recruiting students for future classes at BVBIU.

Jum Reap Sooh - Only In Cambodia: After a busy couple months, the work in Cambodia continues to grow as a new student joins the program.

Two Reports From Nigeria Show Progress: News from the Southwest School of Evangelism provides news of the progress in preaching and teaching.

Success In The Tanzania 2000 Mission Work: Read about the success Cy Stafford experienced after a month long trip on behalf of the TZ2000 work.

Gratitude From The Gee Family: With the quick response to help repair the Gee’s van, they are expressing gratitude, plus a few extras in the news. 

Final Thoughts
Thank you for all you do to help the work of the extension training program. God continues to work through you to provide for every area needed in this work. We need you and thank you for the blessing you are to Lord’s kingdom.

God bless

Posted on November 3, 2013 .