Gratitude From The Gee Family...

Dear Family, Friends and Supporters,

Thankfulness.  "... what thanks can we render to God for you in return for all the joy with which we rejoice before our God on your account?"  (I Thess. 3:9) Overflowing with gratitude for your response to our request for vehicle repair funds, we "admitted" the Prado into the shop! After being "released" it not only is running great but the locks and horn are also working! We're especially thankful for the promptness in your generosity. "We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brethren, as is only fitting..."  (II Thess. 1:3)

Blessed with rain today! The dust is out of the air and it's nice and cool. We love Tanzanian weather in the Kisongo area. The days are either like early summer (not too hot) or autumn...which is perfect. We love the coziness of staying inside during the rains and the freshness afterwards.

Teaching the ladies' class was Ludovica (Mama Abigale). Although the attendance has been down, there was still a good group of ladies wanting to learn. Abigail taught the children about the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. In worship, Jimmy preached on "Who Has Time to Serve God?"

A dry baptistery sits at the Kisongo building because no water has been piped there for now. Everyone walks to the ACSOP for baptisms.

Fun was had on Friday night at our costume party. Heather and Happiness dressed as "country girls," and to the other extreme, Candace dressed "Gothic" (she looked like "Wednesday" from the "Adams' Family" show). Abigail was "Abigail" from the Bible, Stuart and David were “hippies," Naomi was a little chef and Elijah was a "white dementor." 

And Elijah said..."This is my champagne!" He and his brothers were making forts outside one day when we overheard his remark and questioned what he meant. He replied, "you know, it's like that building at Backwoods Christian Camp that has candy and cokes."  He meant "canteen."  ha/ha  

May your week be blessed and may we all be thankful for our many blessings (since this is the "Thankful Month"). Speaking of blessings, the Daniel Gaines' Family is due to arrive early Tuesday morning. We just know they are going to be a positive addition to the TZ 2000 Mission Team!   

With Love from Africa,

The Jimmy Gee family

Posted on November 3, 2013 .