Physical And Spiritual Growth In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings and great joy from your brothers and sisters here. We do hope you are all doing great in what the Lord has entrusted in your hands. We are doing our best here and God is blessing our efforts daily.

Last week went on well concerning our studies in CBIW, except for the fact that some students could not fully attend classes because of their ill health. Praise God that our sister Ruth Wase, the nurse, was here to administer them some drugs in our box. They are getting much better, keep us in your prayers lots of people are having some health trouble now because the climate is changing from rainy season to dry season.

This weekend some students were assigned to 3 locations for mission: Ediki, Batoke and the last week revived congregation of Bafia. They returned with good news about growth and how God is doing His work in those places. The Ediki is going well with the remodeling of their old building which was in ruins. Keep this congregation in your prayers.

Batoke keeps witnessing growth and nurturing from our students on a weekly basis, while the congregation in Bafia as there was an increase from 10 at worship last Sunday to 11, as sister Lydia Lelia obeyed the gospel. Keep them in your prayers that God continues His work.

As I write this mail, we are thankful to God that all the students who went out for weekend evangelism have returned on campus without any major problem, but with great news about God working in many ways to accomplish His mission on earth.

This is sister Karine Muofo who was baptized last week, a French speaking sister. She smiled after receiving a French Bible from me. We are having French Bibles for French speaking brethren who are new converts as we cut across both French and English communities.

Today was another day of fellowship in the Wotutu congregation as the congregation has made a new habit to have a football match with the students of CBIW once in the two years of their stay in Wotutu during their studies. CBIW students wore red shirts, while the youth of the Wotutu congregation, along with a mix of some visiting ministers, like minister Tobias and minister Itali wore yellow shirts. It was a great match even though the youth of the Wotutu congregation carried the day by defeating our students 2 goals to zero (1 Tim. 4:8).

1) CBIW students will start their exams early enough to meet with with the invitation for us to have a mass campaign in the Tombel area for the Annual Bible Lectureship.

2) Pray for the annual gospel Bible lectureship which will be coming by the end of this month.

God bless you for all your prayers and support towards the work here. We say thank you and God bless you when He will return to reward His servants. He will not pass you by. God bless you all. Do your best please to share our reports with others.

Elangwe and family

By His grace Director CBIW

Posted on November 10, 2013 .