Much has happened over the past week, the greatest of which was the latest addition to my family. Our oldest son Rob and his wife welcomed their first child into the world. Nehemiah Robert was born Friday afternoon and is doing great. We are so thankful to God for answering many prayers since the conception of this future leader. I have been praying since we found out they were having a boy that he would be a great leader in the Lord’s kingdom and proclaim the powerful message of our Savior.
While this took place at the end of the week, other wonderful events were taking place at the first of the week. The Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver started a new class of students last Monday, January 7. Six men began their studies in this January class of students. They all seem eager and equipped to accept the responsibilities required during their course of studies over the next two years. I look forward to reporting more about them as they press on toward the prize of the upward call of our God.
The Denver campus is not the only one to begin a new class of students. We recently learned about the new class of 29 students in Cameroon. More is in their report below. The Chimala Bible Institute will also begin a new class of students this week. In fact, 36 new students are beginning their two year journey on Monday. You can read more in Garry Hill’s report below. At this point, CBI has the largest enrollment of students in the program. Awesome!!
Within the Extension Program, a number of exciting events have also taken place. The efforts of training these men and involving them in evangelistic efforts has proven fruitful. Please take time to read through the various reports and learn how God continues to bless the labor of these students around the world. We serve a great God!
Now on to the other reports...
Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/
Extension Reports
Cameroon Ministry On The Grow: New students who are starting classes are learning about the growing nature of the work in Cameroon.
A Personal Invitation: Each of you are invited to attend the 4th Annual ITL Lectureship and 2nd Graduation Ceremony in Guatemala.
Say What? The message being taught by some professors is amazing, especially when it comes to state universities. Plus, read more about the new class in Chimala, Tanzania.
Discipleship: If you were to sum up your work for the Lord in one word, what word would it be? Would you characterize it as discipleship? This word is what TZ2000 is all about.
I Want To Do It All Over Again: From the mouth of a child on the mission field, what a powerful thought to the way we live our lives.
Final Thoughts
I find it hard to believe we are half way through the first month of the new year. Time has a way of moving very quickly, or so I am told. :-) There is so much happening in the kingdom and I am thankful for the opportunity to learn about it and share it with you each week. I am also thankful to each of you for the sacrifices you make for the success of this work.
Thank you for the time, effort, resources, and talent you contribute to the training of preachers in Denver and around the world. Know you are loved and prayed for each day.
God bless