
January 7 report

Greetings Fellow Workers:

We wish you all a very Happy New Year and pray God blesses you all with the best year of your life. Stephanie, Granny and I are good, busy and traveling from here to yonder “telling the story” and sharing God’s mission with with many.

As of this writing and after five weeks of travel, we have traveled over 5,000 miles by car, over 2,000 by air, been to 8 different States and presented the work to 10 different congregations and/or Elderships. Yes, our prayers and needs are being answered and met as we present our work! What a joy it is to be a part of such a grand mission work and being able to meet and work with God’s finest! Below is a short report I received from our dear brother Christopher, worthy of sharing:

“On 14th of December, I received a call from Joster Mwilongo (from Chimala Mission) asking me to attend and teach at a youth seminar to be held at December 28-31, 2012. I hesitated to answer! I was just thinking how I was going to enjoy a week off from my studies! Finally, I decided to attend the seminar after reading the theme of the seminar  and noticing its significance: "Youth and the Church Today." Two lessons were assigned to me: (1) The Youth and his/her Worshipful Life, and (2) The Youth’s conduct in the Church and in the Present World. As you can note that the topics are crucial, timely and relevant.

I was surprised to see 159 girls and boys (age between 12 - 25) who eagerly anticipated hearing from God's word. From twenty seven different congregations they attended. As a result, six youth were baptized on the night of 29th. What struck me the most is their attitude of listening attentively and taking notes. They did not need luxurious life, but enjoyed a simple meal of rice and beans almost ever day. Sincere questions were also posed during question and answer session each day. Indeed I don't regret my decision of  attending this seminar. It was a worthy trip to end the year. I arrived at Arusha 2:30a.m.

Thank you all who make it possible for us to serve God in this part of the world. your prayers, supports, cards of encouragement, e-mails, etc. are much appreciated. In His service, Christopher, Julia and Children”

God continues to bless and give the increase in Tanzania. With your continued prayers and support we believe the best is yet to be seen. May our God bless each of you with a life worthy of the Gospel to the saving of some lost soul.

In Him, Cy

January 14 report

Greetings Fellow Workers:

We thank our God for the life He has blessed us with, for the wonderful work in His Kingdom and a Christian family like none other. Thank you all for your part in this work, making it one like few others. 

Recently I was asked the question, “if you were to sum up the Tanzania 2000 mission efforts vision, goal and purpose in a word, what would that word be?” Several came to mind, but the one that best describes who we are and what we stand for is “discipleship”. 

The mandate given by our Lord to “make disciples of all nations” is one we all need to take to heart and make a part of our daily lives. 

Who is a “true disciple of Chirst?” Jesus said; “It is enough for the disciple that he become like his teacher...” Yes, we are to be like Jesus!

The disciple of Christ need not fear, because the Father is able and knows the true value of each soul (Matt. 10:31).

The true disciple of Christ keeps his or her priorities in order. “He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.” (Matt. 10:37-38; i.e. Matt. 6:33.)

The disciple of Christ takes up his or her cross and follows Him daily (Matt. 10:38).

Yes, the disciple God is looking for in each of us is the one, “who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it.”

In the writing of this I thought of Jimmy Gee, Sean Hochdorf and their families. They have given up much for the Master, to His glory and to the saving of many souls. 

I was also reminded of Daniel Gaines, his wife Tiffany and their three young children who are currently on the fund raising trail. They have committed their lives to serving God and have decided to join the Tanzania Team. Please pray for this sweet and committed family as they do their part that they might be the “disciples” God would have them to be.  

If you are able or know of others who might be able, please contact Daniel and gather the information you need in order to support this good family. In so doing you will aid them in their desire to “make disciples of all nations.”  daniel-gaines@hotmail.com

Thank you for making it possible for us to be the disciples we strive to be and for the opportunity to “make disciples” of the good people of East Africa.  

In Him, 
Cy, Stephanie & Grannny

Posted on January 13, 2013 .