QUOTE OF THE WEEK: "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." Psalm 119:105
SEARCHING FOR TRUTH (and the bill of lading). Many are familiar with this great DVD and book produced by World Video Bible School. The SFT book was translated into Kiswahili, sent to China for printing and delivered to the port in Mombasa, Kenya. To collect these books (5,000 in number) the possession of the bill of lading was needed. After waiting weeks, it was tracked (through DHL) and had been mistakenly delivered to the Seventh Day Adventist headquarters (Dec. 17th) due to one wrong phone number on the package. Addressed to the church of Christ, c/o Elly Martin, it also had his correct phone number. The person "responsible" signed for it and kept it for a month without notifying us.
THE SPOTLIGHT....shines on Walter and Rita Ward (from Anniston, AL). Rita is Trina's mom (and married Walter after Trina's father died). These two hard working individuals are big supporters of this Mission Work. For all your financial support, encouragement and prayers... THANK YOU!
SUGAR AND SPICE AND EVERYTHING NICE: On Saturday, Heather and Candace invited the younger girls from church for a devotional, fun and food. Six girls attended, coming in two by two (3 pairs of sisters). They played hide-and-go-seek, sardines and freeze tag and enjoyed fudge, homemade "Reese Cups" and homemade donuts. The main purpose was to help the girls spend time with one another, forming friendships within the church as they grow. More of these events will be planned.
TEEN DAY: On Friday, Lindsey and Abigail invited guys and girls (from 3 different congregations) for the normal 3 F's: food (bean tortillas, pineapple, brownies, peanut butter cookies, cupcakes and sodas) fun and fellowship. Due to completing exams, teens were out of school. Nineteen-year-old Oscar (attended the Future Preachers' Training Camp and Tanzania Christian Camp) led a devotional on "Working in God's Kingdom." Events like this help promote friendships among young Christians, helping people make better choices when it comes to marriage (many marry outside of the church). Among the attendee's were Mwita Kambarage (a third generation Christian; Andrew Connally converted his grandfather) and Celine Mohammad (2nd generation Christian). Mwita's and Celine's families were the only two attending the church in 1998 when the TZ 2000 Mission Work began. It's great that these two families have passed on the faith to their children.
WHAT IS WEIRD ABOUT AMERICANS? The girls asked their friends this question and received these two answers: the "ladies first" policy and the fact that most Americans do not have other relatives living with them (such as younger siblings of the husband or wife, a niece or nephew, or cousin).
"LET NO MAN DESPISE YOUR YOUTH" After months of planning and thought, our 17-year-old daughter, Abigail, has undertaken a wonderful project of establishing a community library (planned to open late 2013) in our community of Kisongo. For more details, open the attachment and view both clicking on the prospectus and question/answer sheet.
WHAT YOU MIGHT ONLY EXPERIENCE IN AFRICA: (Former "missionary kid" Garrett Richardson used to say, "Now's there's something you don't see every day").
*The police will pull us over to try to find an offense and will ask "Where are you going?" "Where are you coming from?" We don't know the reasons for these questions (some have been asked to transport a policeman or military personnel to a certain place if going the same direction). We have actually been stopped and told "Happy New Year!"
*A person might make a fortune if they invented a video game mimicking Arusha traffic. It would be similar to an "obstacle course"...dodging bicycles and motorcycles weaving in and out of traffic, dodging wooden carts, people crossing the road at random, dala-dalas (mini-vans used for public transport) pulling on and off the road (mainly riding half on and half off), and vehicles backing out into the road.
*It is common for three adults (with no helmets) to ride on one motorcycle.
*A woman may carry a baby on her back and a bundle of wood on her head.
*A woman has been seen balancing a large pole (about half the length of a telephone pole) on her head on her way home to build a fire.
*A neighbor allows their three-year-old child to walk a mile to preschool with her 1 1/2 year old sister. Once, when lost, it took an hour to find them.
*A Maasai man is dressed traditionally (red robe, tire shoes, stick and sword), lives in a mud hut but uses a cell phone (two worlds collide).
FACEBOOK: If you are a "Facebooker" look us up on our recently established TZ 2000- Gee Family Page to see lots of pictures and maybe other stories or details not mentioned in this report.
Please pray all furlough funds will come in soon. "The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much!" (hopefully $14,000 - ticket prices have gone up $1000 since last week...another reason to buy tickets SOON). A huge debt of gratitude is extended to all who have given!
With Love from Africa,
The Jimmy Gee family