The Difference One Tanzanian Is Making...

Greetings Fellow Workers:

We greet you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We pray His continued blessing be with you and that through your faithful Christian lives, He is being glorified and souls are being changed for the better. We are good on this side of the world, truly blessed beyond our deserving.

I want to relate a short conversation with a brother in Christ I had this past week that really helped me to see more clearly what God is doing through His mission work here in Tanzania.

I was visiting with Innocent Alfayo, one of our graduates from the Andrew Connally School of Preaching/Bear Vally Bible Institute, and discussing his future plans. Innocent serves as the full-time evangelist for the Monduli congregation, about 45 minutes west of Arusha town. Innocent helped plant this congregation during his Bible training.

Later Danny & Nancy Smelser would locate their medical clinic in this same area (Monduli) and Innocent would step up and serve as their chaplin and translator. Innocent, the Smelsers’ and others would go on to plant three additional congregations in addition to the Monduli Church. Through all these efforts, Innocent’s love for people and desire to serve to the fullest of his abilities, has applied and has been accepted into a three year medical program. When he completes his studies he will come back and continue his work at the congregation and clinic as a Clinical Officer.

He is one of many we have grown to love and admire here in East Africa. His sacrifice for the Gospel, his country men and for his family is one to be emulated as a true follower of Christ. He has accomplished more in his first 40 years of life than most could ever hope or dream of. Yes, the power of the Gospel is having its way in the lives of the good people of Tanzania through our prayers, support and kindness.

Jimmy Gee: Please remember him and his family as he prepares to return to Tanzania after a long four weeks of separation. After successfully defending his dissertation he is excited about being reunited with family and work here in TZ.

Christopher, Ahimidiwe, and Charles have been working with a Youth Conference in Mbeya for the past week. They will return to Arusha along with many of the young people, so please keep them in your prayers.

Gee/Hochdorf/Stafford Families: We ask that you continue to pray for each of us, pray that God will grant us the wisdom to say and do just that things that will glorify our God and build up our fellow Christian family. We thank you all for your service in the Kingdom. May your week be a rewarding one in your faithful service to all.

In Him, Cy, Stephanie, Granny & Caitlin

Posted on July 8, 2012 .