A Great Boost From A Great God...

Since last week was the first full week of April, many of the monthly reports came across the electronic desk. Let me say, it was a great week. Reading through each of the reports provides a great boost to see how great our God is in the development of His kingdom. He continues to give the increase with the men who are spreading the good news of Jesus around the world.

In just over a month, we will see another class complete their courses and graduate from the Bear Valley Bible Institute here in Denver. It is always a sad time to see these men leave school. There is a very special attachment that exists when you spend two years together studying from the word of God. However, we know they are prepared and set to go forth proclaiming the gospel. I also enjoy hearing from these men concerning the work they are able to do once they begin working in various locations around the country.

There is much to read this week from the staff of the program and the directors in the extension locations. Thank you for taking time to read them and praying for these men.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/

Howell and Mary Ferguson are now back from their trip to Chimala. If you would like to see the report, click here.

Extension Reports 

Plans For A Church In Mbu Bakundu: Staff and students in Cameroon are looking to plant a congregation in a new village.

Growth In The Midst Of Sorrow: Although recent deaths in Guatemala have challenged the church, God is giving the increase as the work progresses.

New Sister In Cambodia: The gospel continues to touch the lives of students who are beginning the program in Cambodia.

Travel Held Due To Fighting In Congo: Francis Wechesa was not able to attend a lecture because of the increased fighting problems in Congo.

Three Souls Added In Ukraine: The Lord is giving the increase as three souls were added to the kingdom near Gorlovka, Ukraine.

Multiple Methods Of Spreading The Gospel: The North India Bible College is using several different methods of sharing the gospel with others in Northern India.

Safari For Souls Is About To Begin: The Stafford’s returned from furlough and the campaigns begin next week.

Fighting The Fungus Amungus: Respiratory problems continue to be a problem for the Gee family while they labor in Tanzania. 

Final Thoughts
You are appreciated and your efforts to help support this work do not go unnoticed. At every level, your involvement is a blessing. I am not trying to speak on behalf of everyone else, but I continue to hear the gratitude expressed by the men who are laboring in the field for all you do to help make their efforts possible.

Thank you for being a friend to the Extension training program and the work being done by the brethren who are laboring diligently around the world.

God bless

Posted on April 8, 2012 .