By the grace of the good Lord Christ Jesus, the Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies is faring well with its daily activities.
This quarter, which was to start from the 19th March, 2012, was re-scheduled for the 26th March, 2012. This was to offer students the opportunity to be part of the biometric registration of voters for the presidential and parliamentary election activity.
The quarter virtually started on the 26th March 2012 with Brother Kojo Acquah Beenyi teaching a short course on Homiletics. After the completion of the topic, Brother Alex, Preacher-Chamba continued with a topic on the book of Colossians, another short course.
Brother Kojo Acquah Beenyi, while at Tamale, had mild malaria but this did not affect his activity. He mentioned to me, that apart from the malaria, he enjoyed his stay in Tamale. Both brother Kojo and brother Alex have been actively involved in the teaching of courses since the inception of the Institute. They have always been loyal to calls made by Institution.
The Institution seeks to call on similar teachers of sound doctrine to beef-up its Instructor list. In the same vein, the Institution is planning to establish another program to replace the Primary Health Care program which had to be cancelled because of the sudden death of Sister Avril the main Instructor of the program.
The Institute would be glad if volunteers and sponsors could consider this very idea which is to offer student knowledge and skills needed to earn some income as they are to preach in communities with extremely low income.
This quarter also offered brother Baah Okyere travel to Bawku to assist in a seminar which was organized by two past students, preacher Stephen Abugbilla and preacher John Avoka who are currently preaching in congregations near Bawku in the Upper East Regions of Ghana. Several other Preachers were present at the seminar and all who attended had a great time of fellowship. At the end of the three day seminar a total of twenty-six souls were added to the Lord’s Church.
Management has assured other past students who are preaching in congregations in the regions of support of human resource and equipment encouraging them to organize seminars and workshops, in the view of management. This is to boost the capacity of the young preachers to increase the numerical strength and spiritual growth of their congregations.
Through the support of brethren from USA, the Institution has equipment for evangelism and arrangement is being made to avail the resource for the work in the three northern regions.
In all our prayers we wish that the Almighty God will continue to bless our sponsors bountifully.
The Church of Christ Campus Ministry at University for Development Studies is to collaborate with the Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies to evangelize the Nyankpala Campus. According to the students at the University, the necessary arrangements are being made to conduct this evangelistic exercise to win souls at University.
Baah Okyere Joseph