New Sister In Cambodia...

Greetings family and friends abroad! It is with great joy that I report of the good news that's happening with God's work these past few weeks.  First and foremost we want to welcome another soul to the body of Christ by the name of Rotana! She is a first year student and after two quarters of attending IBISR, she knew what she needed to do in order to be pleasing to God. We ask that you keep her in your prayers as she continues to live a faithful and obedient life unto the Lord. 

Also, the staff of IBISR and local leadership met to discuss future plans and improvements that we need to make in order to thrive in the Khmer culture. We brain stormed various ideas on how we could cut back on support coming from America and what the local church can do to help in this matter. It was a very fruitful meeting and I've heard some really wonderful ideas as to how we can get started. It's amazing how intelligent and capable these men are. They just needed to be heard and given the opportunity to lead. I am grateful for Chann, Darat, Piseth, Hout, Sokchea, Chouey, Savai, Ravy, and Vanra for the job that they do for the Lord. 

Please keep us and the work here in your prayers as we strive to please God in this part of the world. We pray the same for you on your end!


To see the report with a picture of our new sister in Christ, please click here.

Posted on April 8, 2012 .