Dear Supporters, Family and Friends,
We are thrilled to have two new sisters in Christ! Maddie Hochdorf (daughter of co-missionaries Sean and Anita Hochdorf) and Lucy (Matthew's therapist). Please pray for these two new sisters as they begin their new lives in Christ and grow and mature in the faith.
In family news, Trina has been sick for several days with some kind of stomach bacteria. In addition, we have a house full of fundis (Swahili for "workmen") who are breaking up cement to repair cracks in the floors and walls, and scraping and painting walls. We are trying to get the house ready for the upcoming family visit! We also had some excitement on Friday night. About 11 PM the breaker box caught on fire. Flames were shooting several inches out of the top of it. It went out on its own, thankfully. It turns out that the breakers were defective in someway, according to Innocent Mafayo, a brother in Christ who is a former employee of the electric company. So, we went without power Friday night and most of the day Saturday until the repairs were done. Fun, Fun, Fun!!
We said goodbye to the Galloway and Box families as well as Eric Graham (nephew of Soniea Galloway). We are so very thankful they came our way again. Many were encouraged and seven souls were added to the Kingdom. It is always a joy to be with them and they always do a great amount of good wherever they work in this country. We pray they had a safe trip home and will rest up from their trip quickly and come back as soon as possible.
Lindsey has had some studies with Sophia and Rehema. She has another one scheduled for today with Jackie. Please pray for Lindsey and these ladies as they study together.
On Wednesday of this week Christopher Mwakabanje announced in chapel at the ACSOP that he had received an invitation from a graduate of the school to come to Morogoro to help with his work. Felix graduated from the ACSOP in November of last year. He was a part of our first Swahili class. Because he had a Bachelor's degree from Bear Valley he was able to get a job in one of the local secondary schools (High School) as the Bible and Divinity teacher (as the government calls it). His instruction brought about many questions from the students. As these students were to graduate yesterday, Felix called and asked that an instructor from the ACSOP come and speak to the graduating class and answer their questions. So, Christopher went on Friday and spoke at the graduation on Saturday. He started his journey back after worship this morning and we hope to have pictures and a full report next week.
As always, we are grateful to God, and to you, for your sacrifices that make our work possible. May He bless you abundantly.
In Christ,
Jimmy, Trina, and family