Souls Are Added To The Kingdom...

Greetings Fellow Workers:

With hearts of joy we greet you all. We thank you for all you do and mean to the Kingdoms’ work. God is doing mighty works here in Tanzania/East Africa through your prayers and support. This past week was a grand week for the Church and, as a result, souls have been saved. 

Blessings: We were blessed by the company and co-labor of Cotton & Beulah Box, Dupree & Soneia Galloway and Eric Graham. Eric is the nephew of Soneia from Jackson, MS. This was Eric’s fist trip to Tanzania. Hopefully, he will bring his wife and two children back in the future.

During the two week stay, Cotton and Dupree worked with David Bayi on the slopes of Mt. Meru around the Kioga area. After twenty-one or more studies, seven souls gave  their lives to Christ. Cotton, Dupree as well as Gene Davis have been coming to TZ for several years working primarily with the Kioga congregation as well as the Ushirombo congregation with Yusuph Madaki. 

What a blessing our coworkers have been to the overall work. The Kioga congregation continues to grow through their efforts as well as the hard work of David Bayi. The first Sunday service this year they broke one hundred in attendance. This is a great example of cooperation and God’s blessing His workers work. 

Opportunity: In our last report we informed you of the passing of our late brother Paul Ndwani. His wife is left without a means to provide for herself or their two youngest children. They are currently in need of school fees. They will be dismissed from school at the end of May if this need is not met. The fee’s are $200 per term each (total per year cost is $600 each, or $50 per month). We would like to secure a Sponsor for each child, willing to help this family in need. If you can, in whole or in part, please let me know and I will let you know how to send the funds.

Request: Over the next several weeks we will have many visitors/coworkers coming to work with us in the many Safari for Souls campaigns. We solicit your prayers on their/our behalf that God might bless them, their/our efforts and that God might be glorified through all the efforts to the saving of many souls. Please pray, pray daily, pray often! God is able and through the faithful prayers of His Saints all things are indeed possible. 

For the many answered prayers we praise God and we thank you. May your week be all you hoped it would be and more. You are in our hearts and prayers.  

In Him, 
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on April 29, 2012 .