Classes, Breakdowns, And Evangelism

We finished the last quarter’s short courses this week at the Chimala Bible Institute. I taught Ezra, Nehemiah and Ruth while Brent Smith taught James through Jude. The students then all enjoyed a cookout at the Bear Valley House Thursday night. 

The bus broke down that was bringing some missionaries from Iringa back to Dar Thursday night and one of the drivers had to use my car to finish the trip. This is a typical occurrence in Africa as the roads we all have to travel are rough and dangerous, but the spirit and evangelism of the students and teachers never wavers. We delivered Brent to the airport in a vehicle which we all know as “ole number 4.” If you had ever seen it or even ridden in it, the old premodern era British Land Rover is an adventure in travel.

As we were traveling with Brent we also had Joshua, Boaz, Ezekiel, Frankie and Binwell in the Land Rover. They went on their way to Mbozie where they were going to preach in two different villages all weekend. Needless to say the ole #4 was being used to the best of her ability and we are glad to report it made the trip. A special thanks to Brent who willingly took his time to return for the second year in a row to teach our students. It is a great sacrifice just to travel here but men like Brent show us all that the spirit of Christ and missions is alive in our great brotherhood. 

We are excited about the sixteen enrolled Masters students that will start two weeks of intense coursework this coming Monday. They too are making great sacrifices to be here. Some travel for two days over these treacherous roads to come and study the Word of God. It truly thrills the soul to see how even the most treacherous trip does not dampen the spirit of evangelism and Bible training that happens every day at the Chimala Bible Institute. 

Garry L. Hill Extension Coordinator
Dean: Chimala Bible Institute

Posted on April 29, 2012 .