Another Student Added To The Kingdom...

Another CBS student baptized
AGNALA Essodiname was baptized on the 19th of March. This makes 12 out of the 15 students currently enrolled. We are confident that by the close of this year we shall have all the students as members of the Lord’s church.

CBS on vacation
Students of CBS started their Easter holidays on the 2nd of April and will resume classes on the 16th.

Student and staff assignment to local congregations
Dossa- Kpele beme
Cephas- Pentecost church now turned to the church of Christ: Daniel Abotsi-Kpadafe

The idea is to get these students to start a practical work in some of the local congregations assisting the preachers. 

Notse church needs help
Gabriel, one of the first graduates of CBS started a congregation in Notse where he has been working for the past three years. The congregation has an average attendance of 33 with more than half baptized. Gabriel has decided to return to Kpalime due to financial constraint. There is no trained person to handle this congregation in his absence. We need some help to sustain this work.

Doyle Kee plans to visit CBS
Doyle Kee is a missionary in Switzerland. He works among the French Speaking countries all over the world. He is going to be in Ghana in June working among the French people in the North Of Dzodze in the Volta Region. After the campaign he plans to teach for a week at CBS. We have decided to assign him to teach Teaching Methods.

CBS schedule from April 16th - June 30th subjects
1. Mark and Luke
2. General Epistle
3. Galatians - 2 Thessalonians 
4. Matthew
5. Teaching methods
6. Homiletics 2

Rent at the center has been paid up to date. It all came up to CFA 560.00 representing seven months. Now, we shall make a monthly payment of CFA 80.00 starting this April.

Nyiveme Church of Christ outgrows place of worship
The Nyiveme Church of Christ was established in 2005 and until 2011 has served as the home for CBS. It now has a membership of over 60 but its average attendance is 50. The congregation has outgrown its present place of worship and plans to relocate, but needs more chairs. The congregation will move in to use the classroom at CBS. This new place should take not less than 80 worshippers. This decision to move into a larger place will also create more space and, therefore, the motivation to evangelize. We are confident that by the close of 2012 the attendance will double.

Each plastic chair will cost $7.00 and we shall need 60 pieces. This will amount to $420.00

Willie Gley

Posted on April 14, 2012 .