NIBC Lectureship And Graduation...


I always appreciate the sacrifices that you have been making from the beginning of this ministry in Northern India. One brother rightly said that though it may be the beginning, but it is great. It boosts the moral of the brethren and the coming generations will see its fruit. Please be assured that we forget not giving thanks to our God for the great love and sacrifices you have been making for His cause.

North India Preachers' Lectureship
Including Brother Russell G. Bell, Topeka, KS, Brother Bobby Peyton, TN, his wife sister Ruth Ann, Brother Jerry Bates, MS and Brother Dennis Holst, Marysville, KS there were around 70 people from different states who witnessed the presence of representatives of the congregations of the Lord's church in Northern India. 

The theme for this year's lectureship was the 1st Epistle of John. 5 speakers were asked from India, brother Earnest Gill (Chandigarh), brother Francis David (New Delhi), brother Rajendra Chhappani (Maharashtra), brother Sharnappa (Maharashtra), brother Peter Singh (Chhattisgarh) and brother Vinay David (New Delhi). Brother Sharnappa could not attend due to the ill health of his wife. In his place brother Dennis spoke. All the American brothers spoke in the lectureship.  

NIPL delegates of 2012
People of adjoining states viz., Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Rajasthan, Jammu & Kashmir and West Bengal are also in our prayers to join us so that they may also join us within the mission field.

This lectureship is a part of our training and helping to grow each other, sharing our experiences and encouraging one another this way. Hindi Bibles, tracts, and song books were given to the preachers who attended the lectureship. Some asked for more Bibles and we have promised them to send by post later on.

Keeping in mind that the Preachers' wives should also take benefit in this lectureship, as the preacher is crippled without her help. Sister Ruth Peyton took the ladies' class. Sister Benu assisted her in telling her experience with the truth and the joy of sharing it.  

Graduation Ceremony
The more joyous and fruitful part is the graduation ceremony of the North India Bible College. It gives us tremendous joy that we have been able to train these people for 2 long years. But at the same time it saddens us when we see the challenges they face in the field.

On Friday evening, the 17th day of 2012, we graduated 5 people from different states. Brother Kirtan Chhatria and Brother Rinku Chhatria are from the notorious state, Orissa. This is one of the states that have banned the conversion. 

NIBC Graduates 2012
Each graduate was gifted a communion tray with the offering stick and a bicycle to use in the local work. This was a gift through brother Russell G. Bell. We are also working to send 50 Bibles to each graduate, if possible. 

To convert someone into Christ in states like Orissa can attract jail for 3 months and monetary fine. The Lord has been so kind to us that these young brothers accepted Christ and decided to serve him. Though after going back home they have to face new challenges to defend their faith, yet they are so determined that they have told me that they have prepared their parents to obey the truth. They ask our prayers and encouragement because they may be boycotted by their society as we think that they will be pressured to leave the faith. They may have many kinds of troubles but they have shown while living here that they will not stop preaching and teaching.

It is almost the same story of brother Naresh and brother Baidyanath. They wish to spread the light in their hometown in Bihar, as they have got here.  All of these brothers have a strong faith and I trust that our prayers are answered and our labor gives fruit when we hear the good reports from these kinds of brothers. Mahananda is another outgoing graduate from NIBC. She is from Maharashtra state. She loves the Lord and has recommended 2 new girl students for the next batch from Maharashtra. 

At the same time we are also preparing ourselves for the next batch. We will continue from the first week of March the next session. Some people have shown interest but will be able to join after their exams are over in March. 

Vol. 1 of the VOTI (Hindi) has come out of the press with 5,000 copies. Several of the copies have been sent to the brethren by post as single copy or in bulk as per the demand. This book has been in great demand among the brotherhood as it has short articles and common people find it interesting. 

Free SMS
A year back we had started the Free SMS service where I send a Bible Verse to the people. We started in the city, but then later on spread to the nationwide. Our contacts increased to 1,500 in a year. Then the Government policy came that the daily limit of sending SMS will be 100. Now we are praying that we should have at least 12-15 different telephone numbers (otherwise we have to pay a huge amount of money, per SMS Re 1 for local and Re 1.5 for national), but we cannot afford that.   

Free Letter Service
"BIBLE KI BAAT" a letter in Hindi was started last year with a view to spread the New Testament teaching to those who cannot or do not want to give us time or do not like to spend more time on reading. Initially it was started as the INLAND letter with a minimum postage. From Jan.-Feb. issue its size is increased (A4, 4pages) with adding new features, especially a short article in English on Apologetics. 1,000 copies were printed with the cost of Rs. 2,000 ($40). We also added some of the addresses where the worship service is available, with the name and address of the preachers. To print 6 issues a month it will cost us just $250 a year + the postage to be paid additional.    

Monthly gospel meeting
The monthly gospel meeting in a rent hall is helping us to invite people where we have visited during the month. This also gives us the opportunity to have fellowship. 

We have a fellowship meal for those who attend each first Wednesday of the month.  Thank you for your prayers and support and we always lift you in our prayers to the throne of grace. Give thanks to God for your generous support for his cause.

For any kind of gift(s), i.e., books for the college Library, used projector, one time or more check for printing Tracts, booklets, Bible Ki Baat, purchase New Testaments can be made in the name of CHURCH OF CHRIST and sent to Earnest Gill, # 5721A, Sector 38 west, Chandigarh-160014 (India). We are about to shift to other apartment, (#5748 in the same Sector) maybe in April, because our present owner does not want us to stay anymore, but by that time I may inform you before shifting. EG.   

Your Fellow Laborer for the cause of Christ

To see the report with pictures, click here.

Posted on February 26, 2012 .