We start a new week with reports that are very encouraging. I look forward each week to receiving the information that is submitted, seeing just how God’s hand is working, and all that is being done around the world. I always hope the information that is being read by all of you is as encouraging to you as it is to me. This week should be no exception.
As we continue to focus on plans for the year ahead, it is important to keep in mind the changes we want to make to see the fulfillment of the purpose for which extension training exists. A part of those plans involves the beginning of a new school in Asunción, Paraguay. It is been encouraging to read about the progress being made in the development of a new school in this location.
All of us enjoy reading about the development of the staff and administration of the mission team that is working in Paraguay. We look forward to the implementation of the curriculum and the new students that will come on board in March 2013. Presently, the plans are to begin class on Monday morning March 11, 2013. A few of us are planning to be there for the opening day of class, as well as, opening chapel. The very thought of a new school getting started is exciting.
As we continue to move forward and work on fulfilling our plans for the new year, we ask you to be praying for us and for the development of this new school in South America. We will provide information periodically to keep you informed as plans develop, and certainly provide pictures of the great event that takes place next year.
I do want to close quickly by thanking each of you for your prayers and your encouragement during the time of my surgery. I am now home and my hand is recovering slowly, but well. I am learning to type one-handed. However, a good friend of mine (thank you Michael Hite) has shown me how to use dictation and speech on my laptop. This allows me to talk and the machine types for me. It is taking me a little time to get used to it, but I do love this technology. :-)
Now on to the other reports...
Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/
Howell Ferguson’s report can be read by clicking here.
Extension Reports
Nearing The End Of The Alpha Class: This week students take their last class in the two years that have been studying at the CBIW in Cameroon.
God Great Blessings In Ukraine: Looking at the work of the past, and the progress that has taken place, helps us see God’s great blessings on the work in Gorlovka, Ukraine.
Courage, Love, And Humility To Run A School: These qualities and more are needed to make difficult decisions and face the challenges in directing an extension school.
Struggles To A Faithful Christian Life In Cambodia: Numerous challenges face a faithful Christian life all over the world, but this report shares about them Cambodia.
100+ Baptisms In North India: The news is exciting about the work taking place with those who associated with the North India Bible College in Chandigarh, India.
ITL Visits Paraguay: I recent visit from students of ITL in Guatemala have encouraged the development of the new school to begin next year in Paraguay.
Cordylobia Anthropophaga?? One Mean Fly: There are some bugs in the mission field that are very challenging. The Gee family tells us about one such fly in Tanzania.
Final Thoughts
I do want to finish out this week’s report with thanking you again. Thank you for who you are and for the work you contribute to in so many different ways. Without you this work is not possible. I look forward each week to sharing the news with you and concluding by thanking you for your part in this great work. You are a great blessing to all of us, and we thank God for you each day.
God bless