Every time I start writing reports about the work that was done, I come to understand how great God’s blessings are. Sometimes the “walls” might seem too high and almost impossible to overcome, but when looking at those difficulties after a while, you can see that God is Almighty. We used to pray for a building for the Institute, and now we have it. We wanted more faithful and committed students, and now we have them too. We can overcome any obstacle with God’s help, and we have to believe in that.
Classes at the Institute resumed on November 12 after a week of the Fall Break. This month first-year students had the following courses: Godhead, Satan and angels (Vitaliy Rodichev), Genesis (Victor Semikoz), and the second-year students studied Acts (Vladimir Paziy) and 1 and 2 Thessalonians (Dennis Sopelnik). All students are very active in learning God’s Word, and there are several of them who get the best grades. I hope that the sound doctrine, which they learn here, will help them in their work at the local congregations.
Recently, one of our graduates, Dennis Petrov, started helping with the worship services at Dokuchayevsk Church of Christ (Donetsk region). We went there together, and it was obvious that the church needed sound and wise leadership. That’s another proof that tells us how important it is to train diligently a good minister to do the work for God. I urge you to pray for that congregation and ask God to provide for further ministry there.
Several students and I also visited the Church of Christ in Dzerzhinsk. We came there at the time when their preacher wasn’t there so we had to lead the whole worship. Brethren from the US, who support this church, are doing a great job reaching out for the lost souls and having annual Christian camps. I think that we will continue helping this congregation, meanwhile providing our students with some experience in preaching and taking on a responsibility.
In November, I was preaching in Gorlovka and Dzerzhisk. Churches in Ukraine are still in need of our prayers. Of course we want to see more baptisms and more faithful Christians, but we never know when God is going to give the increase. Two weeks ago, another soul was added to the Central Church of Christ in Gorlovka. Her name is Vera, and she is a step-mother of Veronika Zhuravlyova (a wife of the preacher Andrew Zhuravlyov). It’s a first baptism here in the last year and a half. The Lord keeps adding the saved people to the church.
Talking about the church, we also often think about the future generations. The Word of God teaches us to prepare children and train them in having the faithfulness and love for the Lord. Recently my wife and I started visiting the orphanage for the children of the low social level, and their age is 9-10 years. Of course, we can’t help all the children, but we wanted to start working with this group. We’ve already had several Bible classes, and those kids are getting used to us. The state doesn’t provide them with enough support, and often they don’t have enough school accessories, clothes and personal hygiene items. We are thankful to our brothers from the US (Jeff Abrams, John Kachelman and others) who find finances to help these children.
All students send you their greetings and express their gratitude for your faithfulness and support of this ministry.
My family also thanks every one of you personally for your participation in our common cause.
God bless you and your ministry for Him abundantly.
Your brother and co-worker,
Dennis Sopelnik
To see Dennis’ report with pictures, please click here.