Greeting from Siem Reap church of Christ.
Hopefully, this letter will find you in good health and blessed in His work.
The church in Siem reap is doing alright. We may have faced some small problems, but we can overcome only through the very word of God that we trust.
It's about the harvest time in the whole country of Cambodia so most of our people are going to be busy to gather their crops in the next a few more weeks.
School is doing okay as I heard from Phanat. Also our orphanage is doing alright. Please keep us all in your prayers as we try to live a faithful Christian life and try to teach our members of the church, our orphans and students to grow spiritually. We never forget at all that, while we are trying to be growing, there are some struggling among us and I believe that, things like that happen to everyone and every church, it just may be less or more.
The reason that we ask you to pray to our God on our behalf, we know that you may have faced more problems than us and you and your church are older and more mature than us. Also, as you know that, we are young both physically and spiritually and yet there are many more things ahead of us, either happiness in Christian family or problems that we are going to face.
Lastly, I am very grateful for your faithful supporting, praying and caring to us. I really want to express my feelings to you and the brethren who are involved supporting us and the work that we are doing, and I hope that through this letter you may understand my long way feeling. May God bless you.