Over the last few days stateside staff in the Bear Valle Extension Program, along with the Denver staff, met in Colorado for a retreat. The theme of the retreat was “Lift Up Your Eyes And Look.” The idea is based on the text of Genesis 13:14-15 where God wants Abram to see the land He is going to give Abram and his descendants. Each lesson was uplifting and faith building. We all learned of the need for us to do as Abram, lift up our eyes and look all around us.
Along with the lessons, staff members provided reports about the various areas of the work. Updates were given regarding each of the locations where Bear Valley is privileged to share in the work of training men to preach the gospel. Exciting only begins to describe the atmosphere of the retreat as we listened to the work being accomplished around the world.
The retreat also affords opportunity to discuss face to face the various issues we need to consider regarding the overall work. This year we were able to look at a number of areas involving the improvement of communication in every location, the possibilities of alternative training models, and the requirements for the various certificates offered through the Bear Valley Bible Institute. The discussions were encouraging and informative. Considering everyone’s suggestions we hope to narrow our focus and improve the overall work of the Extension Program in each location.
The challenges in the work of training men to preach are certainly easier to overcome when working with such qualified and experienced men as the staff of the Bear Valley Bible Institute within the Extension Program and at the Denver campus. I am thankful to have opportunity to learn from such a wonderful group of men who love the Lord, have a compassion for the lost, and are driven by the desire to train men to preach.
Next year’s retreat will focus on the text of Nehemiah 2:18. The theme will be “Let Us Arise And Build.” According to the power of God to do far beyond all we ask or think (Eph. 3:20) and God’s instruction to lift up our eyes and look (Gen. 13:14), it is time for us to arise and build. I look forward to the powerful lessons to aid us in our efforts to fulfill God’s command.
There are several reports this week and they are listed below.
Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/
Howell Ferguson’s report for August is now available. Howell shares a report from Brent Smith and writes about his upcoming trip to Ukraine.
Extension Reports
Cameroon Prepares For Campaigns: With the completion of short courses at the CBIW, students are preparing for upcoming campaigns to use what they have learned to teach others.
New Class Begins At BVBIU In Ukraine: The next class of students is all set to begin their studies in Gorlovka, Ukraine. Classes begin today.
Cambodian Mindset Of Evangelism: The evangelistic development of the work in Cambodia is part of Phanat Ouch’s report this month.
Preacher’s Seminar Focuses On ‘The Church:’ With several in attendance, the Visakh Valley Bible College recently hosted a seminar on the greatness and uniqueness of the church.
Souls Added In Cambodia: The work among local congregations in the villages around Siem Reap continues to see growth.
Rejoicing Over 15 New Souls In Tanzania: The Lord continues to give the increase in great ways as a result of the graduates’ work from the Andrew Connally School of Preaching.
Always: A common marketing thought used by Wal-Mart carries application to the needs and development of the work in Arusha.
Final Thoughts
I want to close with a thought of thanks to all the men and their spouses who traveled to Denver to be part of this powerful weekend. While we enjoyed the time of fellowship together, we were also able to accomplish another step to improve the work of training men to preach the gospel.
I also want to thank each of you who read the reports for your continual prayers for us and the work of Extension Training. Our gratitude is also extended to all who provide the financial support involved in keeping this work moving forward. We know your generosity sustains everyone involved in this work around the world. Thank you!
Most of all I am thankful to the Lord. He continues to work in so many ways to reassure and strengthen us in our efforts. All we do is to His glory.
God bless