Souls Added In Cambodia...

Dear brethren,

Hope this email email will find you are fine with the work that you are doing for our dear Lord. 

We are very honored to have the Christian brethren around the world and to know that they are very dedicated in their time, strength, money and themselves because of God's work.

That's really encouraging to all of us who are younger Christians. I am really grateful to you all who involved with the work of our God as some are good preacher, good teacher, some are faithful to give, faithful to do benevolence work for the work that He commanded us to do.

We are very grateful to the brethren who love His work and continue to pray for us and help us financially. Your great love to us we know that because of Jesus teaches us to do so. You are doing a great example to all of us. We pray that in the future, the church in Cambodia will try to get up and work hard to be a self supporting and Lord's willing we will send to help the brethren at various places who are working for our Lord too.

I have some news want to share with you all about the work which has been done Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Last year and this year we are also blessed to get to know brother John Rice from Alabama State, who is working as a missionary for the camp. This year which is from 03-05.09.2011, the camp had been done smoothly for three congregations in Siem Reap. One is called Takam, Leang Dai and in the town. We had 220 people joined the camp at Takam, 110 at Leang Dai, 50 in the town. The result we had three baptism at Takam village. We are very blessed to have brother Cheouy who is preaching for the congregation there at Takam and he has done a great job.

Once again, on behalf of the work in Siem Reap I truly appreciate you all very much for helping us and the work in Cambodia. May our mighty God bless you with strength both physical and spiritual.  

In His service

Posted on September 4, 2011 .