Rejoicing Over 15 New Souls In Tanzania...

Greetings Fellow Workers;

It is our continued hope and prayer that God blesses each of you in your faithful service to Him and to our fellow man. We continue to remember you in our prayers, that our God be with you, that He blesses you and that our fellowship in the Gospel might prosper to His glory and to the saving of many lost souls.

There are so many joys in this work! Time or space will simply not allow us to mention them all, but may we list but a few that your soul might be lifted. We are indeed a blessed people, the people of God.

I received a text from our brother David Bayi this morning reporting on the good God is doing through him (David) and his fellow Christians that meet and work at Kioga. In his brief report he mentioned the saving of one new soul yesterday. What joy there is in the fellowship of the Gospel, its purpose, its preaching and its power! 

Yesterday (Saturday) I received a message from Isaac Kusupa. He had called earlier in the day asking for some help with a study he was engaged in with fifteen lost souls. I gave him some scriptures to use in his study. The text read; “we rejoice in the Lord in the saving of fifteen new souls who have put Christ on in baptism.” These contacts came from our brother Yusuph Madeaki (graduate of the ACSOP and current evangelist for the Ushirombo congregation). Though I do not know all the details, we have great joy in this wonderful news!

Today during worship a good brother in Christ stood before the congregation and confessed sin in his life. He had gotten caught up in a business deal with his brother (in the flesh), the deal “went south” leaving our brother (in the Spirit) “holding the bag”. In the end it was his brothers in the Spirit that stood by him, helping him through his troubles. He then preached a powerful lesson on “How we are to suffer persecution”.  The whole congregation had great joy today with our brother!

We are privileged month after month in that we get to meet, fellowship, work with brothers and sisters in Christ who sacrifice their time, talents and financial resources. There are many who come to lift our spirits and save the lost of this good country. Many are not mentioned in our writings, though they are appreciated and prayed for often. One such person is Penny Cabler! She has been coming to Africa for many years, first to South Africa and for the past several years, Tanzania. She is a perfect example of one who gives sacrificially! We thank her and all who come our way, bringing us such joy!

We thank God for the joy of salvation, the joy of the hope of heaven and we thank God for the privilege of service! We thank you for the joy you bring into our lives and for the joy we see on the faces of countless souls here in East Africa because YOU care enough to share. 

May we all, with the Apostle Paul, remember to; “Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, rejoice”. (Philippians 4.4). Amen! 

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny 

Posted on September 4, 2011 .