Meanwhile, back at home... Sheryl and I are back in Denver for the start of the 46th year of training men to preach at the Bear Valley Bible Institute. A strong class of men are preparing themselves for a two year journey to equip them for the work of preaching the gospel. With the beginning of the new year in Denver, the Extension Program is also preparing for new classes of incoming students.
With each incoming class of students, I am reminded of the graduates who are working in various locations around the world preaching the gospel. Cy Stafford’s report this week references the fact that more than 90 men have graduated from the Andrew Connally School of Preaching in Arusha, Tanzania. Think about the difference being made in just one school.
If the efforts are then multiplied by 15 schools over the years ahead, we are talking 1,350 men preaching the gospel. The exciting part for me is the fact we are growing. We are working to see that more schools are added to the program in the years ahead. Our goal is 75 schools over 50 years. Do the math!
Extension Training is making a difference. As we continue to grow, more souls are being added to the kingdom. The reports below will demonstrate the effectiveness being seen by the men who are still enrolled in school. Our prayer and goal for the future is to maintain records on the work being done by those who graduate from the program and serve in the Lord’s kingdom.
Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/
Extension Reports
Birthday For One, New Birth For Three More: As brother Elangwe celebrates his birthday, the exciting news of three more souls added to the kingdom rings forth from Cameroon.
Fellowship And Family Demonstrate Growth In Nepal: As the work progresses in Nepal, greater fellowship is extending in God’s family. This is one of the great needs in the work.
Handcuffs, Tears And Joy: The work in Chimala demonstrates the dedication of students to endure even the most difficult of trials. Garry Hill reports on the challenges faced in Tanzania.
A Future Stable And Secure In Ukraine: With the transfer of the building to the church, the future of the work is stable and secure. Dennis reports about the changes with BVBIU.
Students Learn Ways To Provide Support: Francis Wechesa shares news about the students learning ways to provide their own support after graduating.
VBS In Cambodia: Two villages in Cambodia were blessed with good numbers for a recent Vacation Bible School. Chann’s report shares more.
Steps To Growing Autonomous In Cambodia: The contribution of the church toward the recent VBS in Siem Reap and Takam Village demonstrate growth on the part of this young church.
Here I am, Send me: The providential working of God is amazing. Cy Stafford reports on the development of the work in the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. This is an exciting read!
Is It Possible? YES: Jimmy Gee’s report shares how nationals continue to step up and take a leading role in the development of the church in Arusha. With God, all things are possible.
Final Thoughts
As we move through another week, I search for adequate words to thank you for your support of the Extension Training effort. Without each of you being involved in the specific roles needed, this work would not be fruitful.
I hope you know how much your involvement is appreciated by all. Thank you for your love for the Lord, the lost souls around the world, and your desire to see the church of our Lord and Savior grow. I pray God will richly bless you in your service.
God bless